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Plant Profile Guidelines Test

f. Test var. Test ssp. Test 'Test'


Origin:  Country of origin/s including regions and continental distribution if it occurs. If it is a cultivar then details should be given on who, when, where and how it was developed and/or brought to market. 2 marks
            Mike's Opinion

this is Mike


Based on your own observations, but you may also quote other experienced individuals in the field develop an introductory overview of your chosen plant, this should be quite general in nature and opinionated but substantiated. 5 marks Note: 1 mark will be deducted for each technical, grammatical or spelling error to the full total of the project.

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


Plant Profile Guidelines
Shrub (deciduous)
USDA Hardiness Zone
1 mark
Canadian Hardiness Zone
1 mark
RHS Hardiness Zone
1 mark
Temperature (°C)
1 mark only the number-no symbols
Temperature (°F)
1 mark only the number-no symbols
1 mark this must be in metric ie: 4-5 m
1 mark this must be in metric ie: 4-5 m
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
Use three general points to clearly describe the plant in very broad terms. 3 marks
How is the plant used in the landscape today if at all. Uses might include but may not be limited to the following: Urban plantings, parks, naturalization, landscape restoration, wildlife habitat (could be quite specific here), commerical uses, food, lumber, crafts, specimens, hedges, windbreaks, screens, topiary, bonsai, etc. 5 marks
What conditions does it require for us to grow it? Soil, exposure, pH, other specific issues. Is it urban tolerant or tolerant/susceptible to specific conditions? 3 marks
Upright, pyramidal, etc. including changes over time and plant maturity. 2 marks
ID Characteristic
What are three key identification characteristics of this plant? If you had to teach plant ID what three general characteristics would you use to assist students in remembering the plant.? 3 marks
List those common to the plant, including insects, diseases, herbivores and physiological diseases. Also comment on the regularity and severity of their occurrence. 3 marks
If it grows naturally (not a cultivar), describe where it would typically be found, ie: low wet areas around the margins of lakes on acid soil in Alberta. Cultivars are listed as horticultural origin. 3 marks
Bark/Stem Description
Describe the bark fully using taxonomic terms, including colour, old vs young, plate character if present etc. 3 marks
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
Describe the bud fully using taxonomic terms including size, shape, colour, scales, and other related taxonomic regularities as they occur. 3 marks
Leaf Description
Describe the leaf fully using taxonomic terms including structure, size, shape, colour, leaf margin, venation etc. 3 marks
Flower Description
Describe the flower fully using taxonomic terms including size, shape, colour, flowering period, pollinators, structure, and arrangement. 3 marks
Fruit Description
Describe the fruit fully using taxonomic terms including size, shape, colour, occurrence, arrangement, and internal morphology. 3 marks
Colour Description
Describe all colour aspects of the plant including foliage (through the seasons), leaves, bark, fruit, and bloom. 5 marks
Texture Description
Is it a fine, medium or coarse textured plant? Does the texture change through the seasons. 2 marks
Notable Specimens
Where can we see a specific specimen in a public venue such as a public garden, park, botanical garden, research garden or public display area. Include place name, city, province or state, and country (no abbreviations). 1 mark
How is the plant propagated? Seed, timing, treatment including specific details regarding scarification and stratification. If it is through cuttings, what type of cuttings and the full treatment required. If is though other vegetative means such as division, offsets etc, fully describe the process, timing, and after culture considerations. This must be specific information, no marks will be given for general information. 5 marks
Ethnobotanical Uses (Disclaimer)
How is the plant used today or in the past? This may include both current and traditional ethnobotanical uses. /5
Two PRINT REFERENCE sources listed here according to APA format. These must be books, journals, or articles from magazines but not nursery catalogues. 4 marks