Daphne x burkwoodii 'Briggs Moonlight' (Briggs Moonlight Daphne)

Michael's Opinion

With its intense, visually pleasing foliage and the wonderful aroma produced by its umbels of flowers, Briggs Moonlight Daphne is a welcome and interesting specimen for many landscape situations. It can at times be somewhat of a challenge to grow due to its low tolerance to stress, however, it is well worth any potential aggravation in its cultivation since it is truly a 'class' plant.

Botanical Information

Speciesx burkwoodii
Cultivar'Briggs Moonlight'
TypeShrub (deciduous), Shrub (evergreen)
OriginIntroduced first by Briggs Nursery in Elma, Washington. It was discovered as a sport of another popular Daphne x burkwoodii cultivar known as Carol Mackie and was successfully propagated from it as a sport.


USDA Hardiness Zone4-8
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone4-7
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-18
Height0.2-1.5 m
Spread1-1.5 m
Flowering PeriodApril, May

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA dense yet uniformly growing shrub. The height is often equal to the spread creating a round mounded form.
ID CharacteristicKnown for its striking variegated ivory and green foliage as well as its clusters of white fragrant flowers.
ShapeA dense shrub with a round, mounded form.
Landscape'Briggs Moonlight' Daphne can be planted as an informal hedge or in a mixed shrub border. It also works well planted as a specimen or focal point due to its very pronounced scent, possibly near a patio or entrance point.
PropagationSoftwood cuttings can be taken in early to mid- summer and treated with rooting hormone for best results. Excessive moisture should be avoided in the rooting medium. Another consideration would be to use a plastic covered frame with shade cloth to increase the success rate. Because of its low tolerance to stress, pest and virus free cloning stock is a must.
CultivationGrows best with full sun or partial shade. Prefers a moist, slightly acidic, well drained soil that's fertility is average to high. Regular pruning is rarely required however to maintain natural growth, flowering stems should be cut back to the main branches. It should not be moved or disturbed after planting because of the high risk of death due to stress. Mulching should be considered to cool shallow roots.
PestsSusceptible to aphids, scale insects, twig blight and leaf spot.
Notable SpecimensRoyal Botanical Gardens. Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Bark/Stem DescriptionTan colour bark sometimes verging on light grey. It has a smooth to medium texture in all seasons although in winter it may appear to look more rugged.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionBuds are ovoid in shape usually with anywhere from 4 -6 bud scales.
Leaf DescriptionVariegated leaves with light yellow centers and slender, deep green margins, usually holding their colour well into colder weather. It can be semi-evergreen or fully deciduous depending on the zone..
Flower DescriptionWhite to pale pink in colour and extremely fragrant. Blooms in clusters of 10-50. Umbels are usually 5 cm in diameter.
Fruit DescriptionThere are no documented cases of Briggs Moonlight or other cultivars of Daphne burkwoodii producing fruit.
Colour DescriptionThe intense leaf variegation with its ivory yellow centers and deep green margins produce a stunning contrast, while its umbels of white flowers provide just the right amount of balanced interest. The foliage usually keeps its signature variegated colours well into the colder months depending on its zone.
Texture DescriptionSmooth textured foliage with fine to medium textured stems that are rounded to four sided.
