Armeria maritima (Thrift, Sea Pink)

Botanical Information

CategoryPerennials, Wildflowers & Weeds
TypeShrub (evergreen)
OriginNative to the coastal areas of Europe and the United Kingdom.


USDA Hardiness Zone7b - 8a
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone7b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH5
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)- 15 to - 10
Temperature (°F)5 to 14
Height0.1 - 0.5 m
Spread0.1 - 0.5 m
Flowering PeriodMay, June, July, August

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionThe pink, cup-shaped flowers grow clustered together, producing beautiful pockets of colour among other flora. The needle-shaped leaves grow densely beneath the flowers.
ShapeShort, upright to tufted.
LandscapeRock gardens, wall pockets, edging, border fronts.
PropagationPropagation by basal cuttings or seed.
CultivationRequires well drained soil and full sunlight.
PestsNo notable pests or diseases.
Notable SpecimensCarn Galver, Zennor, Cornwall, England.
HabitatCoastal marshes, maritime cliffs and dry sand.
Leaf DescriptionDark green, needle-shaped leaves, approximately 15 cm in length, present all year.
Flower DescriptionPink, cup-shaped flowers that cluster together.
