Galanthus elwesii (Greater Snowdrop)

Michael's Opinion

This is one of my favourite snowdrops, producing large bold clumps that have a pronounced presence in the garden. A class plant!

Botanical Information

CategoryBulbs, Perennials
OriginNative to the Balkans through to western Turkey, introduced into cultivation in 1874.


USDA Hardiness Zone7b - 8a
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone7b
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH5 (I have successfully grown this plant easily in H7)
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-15 to -10
Temperature (°F)5 - 14
Height10 - 50 cm
Spread10 cm
Flowering PeriodMarch, April

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionDwarf bulbous perennials.
ID CharacteristicBroad, glaucous leaves wit solitary white flowers.
LandscapePlant in clumps under trees or combine with strong bold perennials that will later hide the yellowing foliage. I have planted clumps under Acer griseum to great effect.
PropagationClumps may be divided 'in the green': lifting clumps and dividing when in full foliage or lifting and dividing dormant bulbs in late summer. Use caution when 'dividing in the green' as broken roots will not re-grow until the following season unlike other perennials.
CultivationEasily grown in average, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun to part shade.
PestsSlugs, narcissus bulb fly and grey mould.
Notable SpecimensThe Mac Cuddy Botanic Garden, Strathroy, Ontario, Canada.
Leaf DescriptionCoarse strap-like foliage with a slight bluish tinge to it.
Flower DescriptionLarge, 2 cm, globe shaped, pendulous blooms.
