Eschscholzia californica (Golden Poppy, California Poppy)

Botanical Information

CategoryAnnuals, Perennials
OriginNative to the United States, specifically California.


USDA Hardiness Zone9a -9b
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone9a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH3
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-5 to 1
Temperature (°F)23 - 34
Height60 cm
Flowering PeriodMay, June, July, August, September, October

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionState flower of California, E. califonica is a variable annual or short-lived perennial with beautiful, long-lasting yellow or orange flowers.
LandscapeExcellent in flower beds or borders, or as a carpet on a dry, sunny slope (especially in maritime areas).
PropagationPropagate by seed or allow to self-sow.
CultivationGrow in poor but well-drained soil for best flowers (a rich soil will see a plant with far more leaves and fewer flowers) in full sun. Remove faded blooms to prolong flowering.
Notable SpecimensRoyal Botanical Gardens, Burlington, Ontario, Canada.
Leaf DescriptionFinely divided blue-green leaves.
Flower DescriptionFlowers to 7 cm across, pale yellow to orange in colour (although typically showing as a bright yellow).
Fruit DescriptionFruit to 8.5 cm, a many-seeded, narrow, ribbed capsule that splits explosively on separation from the torus.
