Gaillardia 'Sunset Snappy' (Sunset Snappy Blanket Flower)

Botanical Information

Cultivar'Sunset Snappy'


USDA Hardiness Zone5
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone4 - 6a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH7
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-29 - (-23)
Temperature (°F)-20 - (-10)
Height30 - 35 cm
Flowering PeriodMay, June, July, August, September

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA long blooming perennial with purple-pink flowers and yellow tips.
ShapeCompact mounding habit.
LandscapeExcellent as a container plant, in flower beds or borders.
PropagationPropagate through root cuttings in winter or by careful division.
CultivationGrow in full sun in a well-drained soil. Once established, they are remarkably draught tolerant, but may exhaust themselves quickly and behave as short-lived as perennials.
PestsNo notable pest or disease problems.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Leaf DescriptionGrey-green pubescent leaves.
Flower DescriptionFlowers are purple-pink with yellow tips and don't fade throughout their exceptionally long bloom time.
