Thryptomene saxicola (Rock Thryptomene)

Botanical Information

TypeShrub (evergreen)
OriginCoastal Southwestern to Southern Australia.


USDA Hardiness Zone12
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness ZoneRequires cool season preotection under glass.
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH1b
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)15
Temperature (°F)55
Height1 m
Spread1 - 2.5 m
Flowering PeriodJanuary, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December

Description and Growing Information

ShapeCompact rounded to slightly pendulous.
LandscapeHedges, borders, screening, city and courtyard gardens, flowering hedge, informal gardens, cottages or as a specimen.
PropagationCuttings. Seed can be accomplished but highly unreliable.
CultivationGrow in moist but very well-draining sandy, lime or clay soil that is neutral to alkaline.
PestsNone known.
Notable SpecimensKings Park and Botanical Garden, Perth, Australia.
HabitatCoastal dry plains and hills.
Bark/Stem DescriptionWoody, slightly scaly bark.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionRound inconspicuous flower buds.
Leaf DescriptionShort obovate leaves about 5 - 10 mm long that have a unique Myrtaceae smell when crushed.
Flower DescriptionTerminal inflorescences of cherry blossom-like blooms at the ends of flower stems. Blooms are tiny, measuring only up to 2 cm in diameter.
Colour DescriptionDeep green to medium green foliage, dull reddish-brown bark and rosy pink to white blooms and flower buds.
Texture DescriptionMedium.
