Muhlenbergia dumosa (Bamboo Muhly)

Botanical Information

CategoryPerennials, Tropicals
TypeTree (evergreen)
OriginSouthern Arizona, and Northwest Mexico.


USDA Hardiness Zone8 - 10
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone9
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH2 - H5
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-12.2 - 4.5
Temperature (°F)10 - 40
Height90 - 120 cm
Spread38 - 45 cm
Flowering PeriodJune, July, August

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionThe most striking of the muhly grasses with gracefully curving bamboo like stems supporting billowing masses of cloud like tiny green foliage.
ID CharacteristicWarm season grass, tolerant of drought, heat and coast.
LandscapeMovable screen, and makes an eye-catching sweep around hardscape areas.
PropagationBy seed.
Notable SpecimensBok Tower Gardens, Lake Wales, Florida, United States of America.
HabitatGrows naturally on rocky slopes, canyon ledges, and cliffs in oak-pine, thorn-scrub forests, and open prairie.
Bark/Stem DescriptionTall, light, airy stems.
Leaf DescriptionFern like, light green leaves.
Flower DescriptionSmall flowers with a pale pinkish colour.
Texture DescriptionSoft, feathery, graceful texture that provides beautiful foil for bold succulents and cacti.
