Uncarina grandidieri (Succulent Sesame, Mouse Trap Tree, Unicorn Tree)

Botanical Information

SynonymsHarpagophytum grandidieri, Uncaria grandidieri
CategoryTropicals, Woody
TypeTree (deciduous), Shrub (deciduous)
OriginNative to dry forests of Madagascar.


USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness ZoneRequires cold season protection under glass.
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Height3-5 m

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA multi-branched shrub or small tree that may ultimately attain a height of 3-5 meters.
PropagationPropagate by seed and they cuttings.
CultivationGrow in part shade to full sun in rich, well-drained medium.
Notable SpecimensQueen Sirikit Botanic Garden, Mae Rim District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand.
HabitatDry forests of Madagascar. It is dormant during the winter.
Bark/Stem DescriptionSolid and becomes thickened with age.
Leaf DescriptionLong-stalked, three- to five-lobed, more or less sticky-hairy with blades of variable outline, up to 12.5 cm long by 15 cm broad. Those on flowering shoots are smaller than the others.
Flower DescriptionIn Clusters on young shoots, the flowers have a calyx of 5 sepals, and a 6 cm long corolla with a narrow tube and an oblique face of 5 wide-spreading, somewhat unequal, about 2.5 cm long, rounded, bright yellow lobes (petals). The throat of the flower is stained purplish-red. These are four fertile stamens, one rudimentary staminode (sterile stamen), and one style.
Fruit DescriptionFlat, pointed covered with small inwardly pointed spines mounted on 18 mm pedicels. Each spine has a tiny hook an the end; as the fruit dries, the remaining seed pod becomes a real hazard.
