Ilex yunnanensis (Yunnan Holly)

Botanical Information

TypeShrub (evergreen)
OriginSouthwestern China and eastern Tibet.


USDA Hardiness Zone5 - 9
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone5a - 9a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness ZoneH7 - H3
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)-26 to 1
Temperature (°F)-15 to 24
Height5 m
Flowering PeriodApril

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA large evergreen shrub with ovate leaves.
LandscapeYear round garden feature; used in cut flower arrangements, property borders to prevent unwanted footpaths, massing, foundation covering and groupings of female plants.
PropagationStem cuttings dipped in rooting hormone, usually container grown but larger field grown plants may be balled and burlaped.
CultivationHollies have a shallow root system and require 2.5 cm of water a week in the growing season, 6 cm of water in hot conditions. Best if planted in the autumn; prune winter burn out in the spring as new growth emerges.
PestsAphids attack juvenile growth, scale and leaf miners may be issues. Root rot may occur if it is placed in poorly drained soils. Winter desiccation occurs if placed in an exposed position without protection.
Notable SpecimensBurncoose Nursery and Gardens, Gwennap, Redruth, Cornwall, England.
HabitatEvergreen forests, Tsuga forests, and shrub forests at elevations of 1100 - 3500 m.
