Pyracantha coccinea 'Telstar' (Telstar firethorn)

Botanical Information

TypeShrub (evergreen)


USDA Hardiness Zone5
USDA Hardiness Ref.
Canadian Hardiness Zone5a
Canada Hardiness Ref.
RHS Hardiness Zone>H7
RHS Hardiness Ref.
Temperature (°C)(-29) - (-25)
Temperature (°F)(-20) - (-15)
Height2 - 5 m
Spread2 - 5 m
Flowering PeriodJune

Description and Growing Information

General DescriptionA large evergreen shrub with narrowly slender finely notched leaves. Flowers in June, proceeded by rich red fruits in thick clusters all along the branches. Branching is rigid and will have a more open habit if it is left unpruned.
ID CharacteristicBroad leaved barbed evergreen shrub, layered branching, covered in white flowers in June, followed by bright scarlet berries in September and are long lasting. Leaf like stipules at base of some petioles is a distinguishing feature of the Pyracantha.
ShapeUpright, open shrub with rigid branching covered in thorns.
LandscapeSingle specimen.
PropagationSoftwood clippings taken under mist in the summer will root easily. IBM treatment of 1000 to 3000 ppm accelerates rooting. Propagates from seed, seed raised plants have inconsistent fruit quality. Stratify seed for 90 days at 5°C.
CultivationWhen container grown, it is best to re-locate the Firethorn during the early spring to a well drained loamy soil, a soil pH of 5.5 is best. It fruits best in full sun, but can withstand partial shade. Prefers dry soil in the summer. Shelter from strong winds.
PestsNo notable pests or diseases.
Notable SpecimensLanhydrock Gardens, England, Cornwall.
HabitatHorticultural origin.
Bark/Stem DescriptionBark is a glossy, reddish brown colour, and covered in many lenticels. Twigs are initially pubescent, becoming glabrous, red/brown colour with small buds.
Flower/Leaf Bud DescriptionSmall, rounded, covered in scales.
Leaf DescriptionEvergreen, simple, alternate, narrow-elliptic to lanceolate. 2.5-5 cm long on shoots, 1-3.5 cm on flowering shoots. Dark shiny green; bottom leaves are lightly pubescent. Petioles are 0.7cm long, with a downy covering.
Flower DescriptionPerfect, creamy white tiny bundles along branches. Open in May, 2.5-5 cm in diameter, 5-7.5 cm long; Compound corymbs inflorescences on spur shoots along the stem of last year’s growth. Fetid subdued odour. Flowers cover entire shrub.
Fruit DescriptionFruit are small rounded drupes, 0.5 cm wide, orange-red in colour. Fruit matures around August - September and usually persists into the winter.
Colour DescriptionGlossy dark green in the summer; can become brown in colour if left unprotected from drying winds. If in a sheltered area, the colour will remain a dark glossy green.
Texture DescriptionMedium textured foliage.
