Search Results (345)

Listing all plants with common names beginning with H.

  • H.C. Andersen Rose
  • Haaga Rhododendron
  • Hacquetia
  • Hadspen Blood Masterwort
  • Hadspen Blue Hosta
  • Hadspen Heron Hosta
  • Hadspen Samphire Hosta
  • Haematocarpa European Spindle Tree
  • Hagaromo Japanese White Pine
  • Hagga Rhododendron
  • Hagley Hybrid Clematis
  • Hairy Alluaudia.
  • Hairy Alumroot
  • Hairy Bears Breeches
  • Hairy Bittercress
  • Hairy Braya
  • Hairy Cotoneaster
  • Hairy Fig
  • Hairy Houseleek
  • Hairy Oak, Lombard Oak, Turkey Oak, Cerre, Doucier
  • Hairy Phalanx Grevillea
  • Hairy temmed Rhipsalis Cactus
  • Hakon White Balloon Flower, Hakon White Japanese Bellflower
  • Halcyon Hosta
  • Halka Japanese Zelkova
  • Hall Crabapple
  • Haller's Apple moss
  • Hallé™ Rose
  • Hally Jolivette Cherry
  • Hamamelis, Witch Hazel
  • Hameln Fountain Grass
  • Hamersford English Yew
  • Hamilton's Spindle Tree, Himalayan Spindle Tree
  • Hamilton's Spindle Tree, Himalayan Spindle Tree
  • Hamlin Sweet Orange
  • Han Ire Crinum Lily
  • Hanging Lobster Claw, False Bird of Paradise,
  • Hanging Sedge
  • Hanky Panky Hosta
  • Hansa Rose
  • Happiness Hosta
  • Happy Face® Pink Paradise cinquefoil
  • Happy Hour™ Banana
  • Happy Hour™ Coconut
  • Happy Hour™ Deep Red
  • Happy Hour™ Fuchsia
  • Happy Hour™ Lemon
  • Happy Hour™ Mixed Moss Rose
  • Happy Hour™ Orange
  • Happy Hour™ Peppermint
  • Happy Hour™ Rosita
  • Happy Returns Daylily
  • Happy Single™ Party Dahlia
  • Happy Single™ Wink Dahlia
  • Happy Tree, Cancer Tree
  • Harbour Lights Mixture Primrose
  • Hard Beech
  • Hard Fern, Deer Fern
  • Hardy Begonia
  • Hardy Begonia, Beefsteak Plant
  • Hardy Cyclamen, Ivy-leaved Cyclamen
  • Hardy Cyclamen, Sowbread
  • Hardy Fuchsia
  • Hardy Ginger
  • Hardy Grape Leaf Anemone
  • Hardy Orange
  • Hardy Primrose
  • Hardy Rubber Tree, Gutta-Percha, Dùzhòng (Chinese)
  • Hardy Schefflera
  • Harebell
  • Harkness Bottlebrush
  • Harlequin Glorybower
  • Harlequin Maple
  • Harmony Netted Iris
  • Harold Comber Spiny Desfontainia
  • Harriette Ward Hosta
  • Harry Tagg Rhododendron
  • Hart's Tongue Fern 'Kaye's Lacerated'
  • Hart's-tongue Fern
  • Hartlage Wine Carolina Allspice or Sweetshrub
  • Hartweg's Pine
  • Haru-No-Akebono Peony
  • Haruseful Rose, Armada Rose
  • Haskap Berry
  • Hatsuguri Rhododendron
  • Hawaiian Sunshine Dracaena ,Hawaiian Sunshine Corn Plant
  • Hawaiian Ti, Ti Plant, Cabbage Tree, Cabbage Palm, Good Luck Plant, Good Luck Tree
  • Hawkbit
  • Hawkshead Fuchsia
  • Haworth
  • Haworthia
  • Hawthorn
  • Hawthorn
  • Hawthorn Leaved Maple
  • Hay-scented Fern, Lace Fern, Rigid Lace Fern.
  • Hazel Adler, Smooth Adler
  • Hazel E. Herrin Camellia
  • Hazel Smith Sierra Redwood or Giant Sequoia
  • Hazelnut, Filbert, Common Filbert
  • Heart Light Green Sweet Potato
  • Heart Purple Sweet Potato
  • Heartleaf Globe Daisy
  • Heartnut
  • Hearts of Gold Redbud
  • Heath
  • Heatherbun White Cypress
  • Heaven Scent Magnolia
  • Hebe Frozen Flame
  • Hebe or Veronica
  • Hedge Bedstraw
  • Hedge Bindweed
  • Hedge Cactus, Queen of the Night
  • Hedge Cactus, Peruvian Apple Cactus, Blue Cereus
  • Hedge Maple
  • Hedge mustard
  • Hedge Woundwort, Whitespot
  • Hedgehog Cactus (Hybrid)
  • Hedgehog Dwarf Japanese Plum Yew
  • Hedgehog Dwarf White Spruce
  • Hedgehog Plant, Blue Hedgehog Plant
  • Heinrich Seidel Large Leaved Hydrangea
  • Helbro Sneezeweed
  • Heldreich's Maple, Greek Maple, Balkan Maple
  • Heleg Jolly Green Gen Slipper Orchid
  • Helen Matthews Peony
  • Helen McCaughey Tall Bearded Iris
  • Helen Von Stein Lamb's Ear
  • Hellebore
  • Hellebore
  • Hellebore
  • Hellebore, Oriental Hellebore or Lenten Rose
  • Hello Yellow Leopard Lily
  • Hellur Slipper Orchid
  • Helsinki University Finnish Rhododendron
  • hemley snowball
  • Hemp Broomrape
  • Hen & Chicks
  • Hen and Chicks, Echeveria
  • Hen and Chicks, Houseleek
  • Henkel's Yellowwood
  • Henneke Linden Viburnum
  • Hennie Graafland Astilbe
  • Henon Bamboo
  • Henri Martin Rose
  • Henrietta Fujiwara Slipper Orchid
  • Henry Eilers Sweet Coneflower
  • Henry Hicks Sweet Bay Magnolia
  • Henry Hudson Rose
  • Henry Maple
  • Henry Price Pieris
  • Henry Vine Maple
  • Henry's Hypericum
  • Henry's Lime
  • Henry's Stone Oak
  • Hens and Chickens
  • Hepatica, Roundleaf Liverleaf
  • Herb Paris, Leopard's Bane
  • Herb Robert, Red Robin
  • Herbert Phlox
  • Herbich
  • Herbstfuer Japanese Maple
  • Hercules Aloe
  • Heritage Peony
  • Herman Von Dratelin Orchid
  • Herme Camellia
  • Heron Daylily
  • Heronsbill, Storksbill
  • Heronswood Globe Katsura Tree
  • Herrenhausen Ornamental Oregano
  • Herringbone Plant
  • Hessei Japanese Maple
  • Hetz Juniper, Chinese Juniper
  • Hetz Midget Eastern Arborvitae