Search Results
Currently searching Woody plants with common names beginning with H.
- Hill Everlasting
- Hillside Creeper Scots Pine
- Himalayan Alder
- Himalayan Cherry
- Himalayan Evergreen Magnolia
- Himalayan Fir
- Himalayan Hazelnut or Tibetan Hazelnut
- Himalayan Hazelnut or Tibetan Hazelnut
- Himalayan Honeysuckle, Flowering Nutmeg or Pheasant Berry
- Himalayan Larch
- Himalayan Leptodermis, Baby Lilac Bush, Leptodermis, Star Flower
- Himalayan Lilac
- Himalayan Pieris, Chinese Pieris
- Himalayan Pine or Bhutan Pine
- Himalayan Sweet Box, Christmas Box
- Himalayan Weeping Bamboo
- Himalayan Weeping Juniper
- Himalayan Weeping Juniper, Drooping Juniper, Coffin Juniper
- Himilayan Birch
- Himilayan Birch
- Hinckley's Oak
- Hino crimson Rhododendron
- Hino Mayo Rhododendron
- Hinodegiri Azalea
- Hinoki Cypress
- Hinoki Falsecypress
- Hinoki Falsecypress
- Hinoki Falsecypress
- Hobblebush, American Wayfaring Tree
- Hocking's Green Apple
- Hodgson's Rhododendron
- Hojarasco de Santa Rosa (Spanish)
- Hokusai Japanese Flowering Cherry
- Holford Pine
- Holger Juniper
- Holly
- Holly Leaved Sweetspire
- Hollyberry Cotoneaster
- Holm Oak, Evergreen Oak
- Holmstrup Arborvitae, Holmstrup Cedar
- Holy Bramble, Bloody Blackberry
- Home Run Shrub Rose
- Homestead Elm
- Honey Tulip Magnolia
- Honeybush Woodbine, Honeybush Honeysuckle
- Honeycrisp Dwarf Apple Tree
- Honeylocust
- Honeysuckle
- Honeysuckle
- Honeysuckle
- Hong Kong Camellia, Willow-leaved Camellia
- Hong Kong Dogwood
- Hong Kong Dogwood
- Hoop Pine or Moreton Bay Pine
- Hoopsii Blue Spruce
- Hop Tree
- Hop Vine
- Hopa Crabapple
- Horinji Flowering Cherry Tree
- Hornavel Rose, Leah Tutu Rose
- Hornbeam Maple
- Hornbeam, Heartleaf Hornbeam
- Horncone
- Horsford Dwarf White Pine
- Horsham Contorted White Pine
- Horstmanns Silberlocke Korean Fir
- Hot Pink Carefree Spirit™ Rose
- Hot Red Chinese Hibiscus, Hot China Rose, Hot Red Shoe Flower
- Hou Yuan Qing Gang, Lu Rong Qing Gang, Jing Xi Qing Gang (Chinese)
- Houpu Magnolia
- Hoyt Siberian Fir
- Hu Li (Chinese)
- Hua Nan Qing Gang (Chinese)
- Huang Xin Wei Mao (China)
- Hubb’s Red Willow Japanese Maple
- Hudson Fir
- Hummingbird Sweet Pepperbush
- Humpy Mugo Pine
- Hungarian Oak, Italian Oak
- Hupeh Rowan
- Hussii Hemlock
- Hybrid Cucumber Magnolia
- Hybrid Elm
- Hybrid Fir
- Hybrid Indian Hawthorn
- Hybrid Wing-nut
- Hybrid Witch Hazel or Hamamelis
- Hydrangea