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Woody > Callicarpa > Callicarpa bodinieri > Callicarpa bodinieri var. viraldii 'Profusion'

Callicarpa bodinieri

var. viraldii 'Profusion'

Origin:  This Callicarpa derives from the Sichuan, Hunei, Shaanxi provinces in China. The plant was named after Emilie Bodinieri by Abel Leveille. The original variety giraldii lacked form and had less fruit, thus ‘Profusion’ was created by the Dutch and released to the public in 1887. It has more fruit, and a lot more lavender colour when it blooms. Seedlings were taken from the original plant C.bodinieri var. Giraldii by the dutch in 1887(Ron Schmaltz). These seedlings produce more flowers.
            Mike's Opinion

this is Mike


This is an amazing shrub. It has a long lasting wonderful bright violet bloom, an amazing golden violet colour in the autumn, and it keeps its fruit until early winter. Very hardy, resistant to pollution, frost as well as most pests and diseases. This shrub is great for a centrepiece in the fall and will stand out from all other plants and will be fine in an urban environment.

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


Tree (deciduous)
USDA Hardiness Zone
6 - 8
Canadian Hardiness Zone
5b - 8a
RHS Hardiness Zone
H5 - H4
Temperature (°C)
(-23) - (-9)
Temperature (°F)
(-10) - 20
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
Violet blooming shrub, holds onto fruit in winter, lots of flowers in spring.
Mostly planted in groups or in mass planting, this plant attracts birds. It could possibly be used in parks and urban settings for an attraction to the public. Also used as a screen in residential uses.
Needs to grow in fertile well-drained soils with full or partial sun. The soil pH can be acidic, alkaline or neutral. Urban tolerant, will survive comfortably in those surroundings, not affected by pests or diseases.
Tall vase shaped/upright.
ID Characteristic
This plant fruits an abundance of bright-violet berries in clusters during autumn.
No notable pests or diseases.
Horticultural origin.
Bark/Stem Description
Multi-stemmed shrub with arching branches. Bark can be seen to be violet when young and naked when mature.
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
The leaf buds swell in the spring.
Leaf Description
The leaves are arranged in an opposite pattern, 2-5 inches long, 1-2 ¼ inches wide. They are simple, narrow oval. The leaves start of a dim dark green and finish off golden purple (Burn).
Flower Description
Flowers are in a cyme formation, around 1 inch to 1 ½ inches in diameter. Flowers a bright violet colour and remains until early winter.
Fruit Description
Around 12-20 fruits on 1 calyx as a bunch. The individual fruit are round, approximately 0.4 cm wide, and ripen to violet.
Colour Description
Foliage is a dull green in spring turning a golden purple colour in autumn. Full bloom during late summer, early fall. Bright violet fruits upon bloom. Young leaves are more purple in the spring, and turn a pinkish colour in the fall compared to mature leaves.
Texture Description
Medium texture and does not change throughout the seasons.
Notable Specimens
Joe Witt Winter Garden, Washington Park Arboretum, Seattle, Washington, United States of America.
If propagating in mid spring it will be by softwood cuttings. Semi hardwood cutting during mid summer to early autumn.