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Tropicals, Woody > Dalbergia > Dalbergia cochinchinensis > Dalbergia cochinchinensis

Dalbergia cochinchinensis

Siam Rosewood, Thailand Rosewood, Vietnamese Rosewood, Tracwood

Origin:  Southeast Asia (Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos).
            Mike's Opinion

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The Siam Rosewood is widely distributed in Southeast Asia. It takes more than 50 years to mature. It is a rare forest hardwood with unique red-coloured timber. It has been sought for centuries for the manufacturing of luxury furniture and religious statues. The older it is, the more beautiful the heartwood and the more expensive. Many people in Southeast Asia are planting this tree to support their lives because it is a sacred tree. The name is synonymous with the word "support" in Thai, which means to support and help them prosper, and to have luck in everything.

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


Tropicals, Woody
Tree (deciduous)
USDA Hardiness Zone
11 - 12
Canadian Hardiness Zone
Grow under glass
RHS Hardiness Zone
H1c - H1b
Temperature (°C)
4.4 - 10
Temperature (°F)
40 - 50
20 - 30 m
6 - 7 m
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
Dalbergia cochinchinensis is a large, slow-growing tree with a spherical, thickly branched trunk. In some specimens, the diameter of the trunk may reach a maximum of 120 cm. It contains nitrogen-fixing capabilities, so it is insect-resistant. The wood is very hard, dense, and durable. It can reach heights of 25 to 30 m. Rosewood is a pricey, very attractive, and aromatic wood. The cut wood releases a rose-like fragrance. It is commonly cut from the forest for commercial purposes. This tree is listed as "vulnerable" on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species due to excessive exploitation of its timber and destruction of its habitat.
It is occasionally planted for flowers and shade. However, it is uncommon to see it used in landscaping. The species regenerates effectively following coppicing. It grows slowly and should not be used as a fast-growing tree. It is utilized in the manufacturing of high-quality furniture, carvings, crafts, musical instruments, and sewing machines. It can also be used to produce fuel and charcoal.
The young tree is initially tolerant of shade, but becomes intolerant of shade when it matures. It is able to grow in the majority of soil types. It can survive drought conditions. It requires less fertilizer since nitrogen-fixing bacteria provide it with nutrients.
It has a spherically branched canopy. When young, it looks sparse but will fill out when mature.
ID Characteristic
This tree is a large, slow-growing tree with a spherical, thickly branched trunk. It can reach 30 m. It has the ability to fix nitrogen and is resistant to insect attacks. The wood is dense, extremely hard, and durable. It has compound pinnate leaves. Each compound leaf consists of three to four pairs of leaflets and a terminal. The flowers are fragrant and white.
Dalbergia cochinchinensis has no known pest issues.
It grows on sandy clay and calcareous soils in tropical dry or wet forests. Populations are typically found at low densities, but pure stands of several individuals can occur. It is typically found at altitudes between 400 and 500 m in regions with annual precipitation between 1200 and 1650 mm in open semi-deciduous forests.
Bark/Stem Description
The bark is brownish-yellow and fissured, with flaking pieces. It becomes highly branched and slowly transforms sapwood into the heartwood.
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
The pair of lateral leaflets either emerge from the same point on the rachis or are slightly offset from one another. The terminal leaflet is a little larger than the other leaflets. Flowers have terminal or subterminal panicles.
Leaf Description
An alternate arrangement of pinnately compound leaves. Each compound leaf has three to four pairs of leaflets and one terminal unpaired leaflet.
Flower Description
White and fragrant, resembling pea flowers. Typically, flowers bloom between May and July, and their seeds reach maturity in September or November.
Fruit Description
At maturity, flat pods (4.5–7.5 cm long and 1 cm wide) turn brown. Not splitting at maturity. Each pod contains one to two kidney-shaped, red-brown seeds.
Colour Description
It has beautiful white flowers. The flowers mature into brown to red-brown pods. Leaves are green all year and turn brown when they fall off. Heartwood is a medium to dark red-brown, with darker brown to black streaks throughout. Sapwood is a pale yellowish-white colour, and it is separated from heartwood. Flower buds are green when immature.
Texture Description
Mature bark is cracked and peeled off. The grain is straight to slightly interlocked in texture. Medium to fine texture uniformity with a naturally beautiful finish.
Notable Specimens
Thap Lan National Park, Dong Phayayen–Khao Yai Forest Complex, Thailand. Kbal Chhay protected area, Preah Sihanouk, Cambodia.
Propagate by seed like many species within the family Fabaceae. Pour a small amount of hot water on the seeds. Soak seeds for 24 hours and then incubate them at either 30 degrees Celsius for 8 hours, or 20 degrees Celsius for 16 hours per day to maximize the germination rate. This plant can also be propagated through stem cuttings, grafting, and air layering.
Ethnobotanical Uses (Disclaimer)
The stem has the possibility of treating androgen-dependent conditions, including prostate cancer. Heartwood is classified as first-rate timber. The roots are used to treat fever. Boil the bark and use only water to treat cracked and scaly lips. Fresh tree sap is used as an ointment to treat cracked and scaly lips. The tree is durable and insect-resistant, but easy to form. The heartwood is black or brown-red in colour and has attractive patterns. Wood is used in the making of furniture, wood carvings, and musical instruments. Moreover, wood is used in the construction of housing and agricultural equipment.