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Woody > Cedrus > Cedrus libani > Cedrus libani subsp. stenocoma

Cedrus libani

ssp. stenocoma

Stenocoma Cedar

Origin:  Native to the mountains in southwestern Turkey, the Taurus Mountains. This evergreen can also be found in Lebanon and Syria.
            Mike's Opinion

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Cedrus libani subsp. stenocoma is native to the Taurus Mountains in Turkey. Steep slopes and harsh winter conditions have not destroyed this incredibly hardy tree. Growing to a great 18 m tall and an amazing spread of 15 m, this makes for an excellent specimen tree. It produces a beautiful light brown cone, yet this tree will take around 35 years to begin flowering. Medicinal and construction are excellent uses of the tree, helping with lungs all the way to building houses. Overall, this is an all around excellent evergreen.

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


Tree (evergreen)
USDA Hardiness Zone
Canadian Hardiness Zone
4b - 4a
RHS Hardiness Zone
Temperature (°C)
(-30) - (-20)
Temperature (°F)
(-22) - (-4)
12 - 18 m
9 - 15 m
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
The most hardy out of all Cedrus libani. This evergreen develops horizontal, staggered-like branches. The silver-green needles come in bundles on the tree along with pale cones.
You will almost never see the Stenocoma Cedar in groups together. This cedar is used for specimen plantings due to the height and spread. As it grows of age, it will develop a large trunk that can stand out and be eye-catching in a landscape. Especially in the winter, the Stenocoma Cedar is known to have the most hardiness out of all Lebanon Cedars.
This evergreen requires low maintenance, therefore any well drained soil will accommodate the Cedar. The Stenocoma Cedar is typically grown in harsh climates up on the mountains. Lots of space is needed for this tree to grow fully due to its size. This evergreen is vulnerable to honey fungus which can be detrimental. It is important to regularly check for this fungus.
The enormous cedar forms a pyramidal shape. Long horizontal branches make this tree look open. As the tree matures, the pointed shape at the top may flatten.
ID Characteristic
Stenocoma is the number one hardy Lebanon Cedar, which makes it have excellent hardiness. Produces green and light grey cones. It has a singular main trunk that will grow in great size and produce horizontal branches.
LDD Moth will impact the cedars, causing increased tree mortality rate and defoliation. The Cedar Web-spinning Sawfly damages up to 80% of cedars in Lebanon; however, this pest is not as dangerous in smaller numbers. Cedar leaf moths are also a problem for Stenocoma Cedars, since they cause major defoliation.
Native to the Taurus Mountains of Turkey, the Stenocoma Cedar is found in rocky harsh climates. Rough winters will accumulate plenty of snowfall, yet this Cedar can easily withstand it with its massive trunk.
Bark/Stem Description
A grey colour is consistent throughout the bark. As this cedar grows older, it will be filled with scales that start to crack. Branches are horizontal, with a light brown to light grey colour.
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
Producing ragged flowers that are tiny and cylindrical. Unisexual growth on the tree, male and female flowers will appear on separate branches.
Leaf Description
Spirally arranged across the branches with a dark green colour. Gathers 25 - 35 leaves on the shoots, with the leaves being 2 - 2.5 cm in length. Leaves are either straight or have a slight curvature to them. Base of the shoot is more dense with less leaves on the end.
Flower Description
The Stenocoma Cedar takes long periods of time in between flowering (around 35 years). The male cones will start first in early September, followed by the female cones which will begin at the end of the month. Male catkins are erect and up to 5 cm; however, the females grow to only 1.5 cm (and are also erect catkins).
Fruit Description
Cedrus libani subsp. Stenocoma will produce narrow cones 7 - 10 cm in length. A pale green colour will appear when they are young. As they mature, the cones will become a light to dark brown colour. Full maturity for a cone will take 24 months; containing linear and wide scales across oval cones.
Colour Description
Stenocoma bark is a light to dark grey. On the main trunk, the shoots will be a lighter grey. Leaves stay the same dark green colour for all seasons. Cones will start off a pale green then mature into a brown. Overall the tree is a darker colour.
Texture Description
This cedar looks rough. The bark is scale-like when matured and full of cracking. It is a coarse tree and the texture stays the same all year around.
Notable Specimens
Cedrus libani subsp. Stenocoma will only be found in the Taurus Mountains, Lebanon and Syria.
It is possible to propagate from cuttings, but it is difficult and not recommended. It is better to pick the cone from the tree before it turns brown. It is important to wait until the cone is completely dry or the growth percentage will decrease. Once dry, soak the seed for 2 days in warmer water, then remove the seeds and they will be ready to plant. It is critical that the temperatures are below 0 degrees Celsius and up to -5 Celsius.
Ethnobotanical Uses (Disclaimer)
Medicinal use comes from the leaves. Consuming the leaves can help with inflamed lungs and can kill off bacteria. The oil of the Stenocoma Cedar can be put in perfume. The wood of the tree is hardy, so construction uses are handy. Used for building houses, tables, and chairs. Hundreds of years ago, this tree was used to craft large boats for sailing.