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Woody > Buxus > Buxus x sempervirens > Buxus x sempervirens 'Rochester'

Buxus x sempervirens


Rochester Boxwood

Origin:  Introduced by Girard Nursuries of the United Kingdom in the late 1960's.
            Mike's Opinion

this is Mike


This is a great specimen shrub but is commonly used for hedging or massing. With some maintenance required, this tree can be used anywhere in the landscape.

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


x sempervirens
Shrub (evergreen)
USDA Hardiness Zone
6 - 8
Canadian Hardiness Zone
7 - 9
RHS Hardiness Zone
H5 - H4
Temperature (°C)
-10 - (-24)
Temperature (°F)
-10 - (-15)
2 m
1.5 m
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
A good plant for the common landscaper as the look is quite appealing.
Hedging, massing or as a specimen.
Grows in full sun to partial shade and in moist, well-drained soils. It prefers soils to be slightly acidic or alkaline. Likes having a good source of organic matter, which can be obtained by mulching 2.5–5 cm under the plant. Winter winds can cause damage to the plant and could kill it.
Rounded to broad-rounded shrub.
ID Characteristic
A dense and slow growing cultivar that grows 2 m in 10 years. Leaves will bronze in the winter if plant becomes unhealthy. Deep green in colour with ideal conditions.
Blights and leaf spots are common on boxwoods, root rot can also be a problem in poorly-drained soils. Boxwood leafminer, mite and psyllid can be problems as well. As of late Boxwood blight has become a major problem both in Europe and most of North America. The fungus Cylindrocladium buxicola causes leaf spots, defoliation and even extensive die-back. The disease can be spread by water splash, tools and footwear and can survive for up to six years in the soil. It thrives in moist, humid environments but is killed when exposed to temperatures in excess of 33 °C for at least a week. The disease also affects Pachysandra, Sarocococca and Buxus balearica, sinica, macowanii, microphylla, bodinieri, glomerata, harlandii, sempervirens and riparia.
Horticultural origin.
Bark/Stem Description
The stem on the plant is somewhat angled and minutely hairy.
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
Buds are small scales that look like the leaves of the boxwood and are loosely attached at the tips. Many of them encase the middle part of the bud. The buds are quite small in size.
Leaf Description
Small, elliptic to oval to oblong leaves which can be 2–5 cm in length and are simple, opposite, and smooth margined.
Flower Description
The flowers are white in colour but are not very showy. It has apetalous flowers which are then in axillary clusters.
Fruit Description
The fruit is a 3 horned dehiscent capsule with 2 seeds in each and 40 mm in length.
Colour Description
Dark glossy green on the top and yellowish green below the leaf and may turn brown in the winter.
Texture Description
Medium-fine texture.
Propagate in mid-summer by taking semi-ripe cuttings from the current season's growth. Collect in the early morning using a sharp knife to cut pieces 10 - 15 cm in length. Remove all leaves from the lower third and pinch out any soft terminal growth. Dip into a number 2 rooting hormone, insert into trays or pots of cutting compost (50/50 mix of compost and sharp sand or perlite) and water well. Place in a propagator with bottom heat set at 15°C with or without mist; rooting should occur in 4 - 6 weeks.