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Woody > Taxus > Taxus baccata > Taxus baccata 'Repandens'

Taxus baccata


Dwarf English Yew, Repandens English Yew

Origin:  Introduced in 1880’s by Samuel B. Parsons and Sons nursery in New York, New York, United States of America.
            Mike's Opinion

this is Mike


Noted as one of the hardiest forms of English Yew’s, the cultivar Repandens is a low growing soft needle yew that is commonly used for a ground cover. You can choose to prune this yew to give it more of a hedge form but if untouched weeping foliage tips add to the attractiveness of the plant. - Brennen Dower

Michael Pascoe, NDP., ODH., CLT., MSc. (Plant Conservation)


Tree (evergreen), Shrub (evergreen)
USDA Hardiness Zone
5 - 8
Canadian Hardiness Zone
4 - 8a
RHS Hardiness Zone
H7 - H4
Temperature (°C)
(-29) - (-7)
Temperature (°F)
(-30) - (20)
60 – 120 cm
4 – 5 m
Description and Growing Information
Flowering Period
General Description
A slow growing, low and wide-spreading shrub that is typically used as a ground cover and is adaptable to a wide range of climates.
With poisonous seeds, the location of this shrub is important to think about. It can be used as a slow growing ground cover or lower growing hedge when pruned. It has an aesthetically pleasing look when planted in groups or used for mass plantings and can be planted within a rock garden.
For best growth it will require well-drained, acidic, alkaline, or neutral soil and can tolerate either shade or full sun locations making it very versatile. It is known to be pollution tolerant but not salt tolerant and will tolerate an exposed open location.
A low, spreading shrub that has weeping foliage tips and will gradually get wider as it matures but will not gain any considerable height.
ID Characteristic
Needle-like foliage is dark green on top and lighter blueish-green underneath and in a spiral arrangement along the branch. The tips of the foliage curve forming a weeping look and contrast with the bright red aril that covers the green seed of the fruit. It is known to be one of the hardiest English Yews.
Mealybugs, mites and pythium root rot are all common pests with this cultivar. Mealybugs will attach themselves to the plant and use their suckers to drain the sap and mites will attack the buds of the plant. Both these pest issues can either be dealt with chemical sprays or lady beetles. Pythium root rot happens when the plant is in an overly moist location, causing fungal spores to develop. This issue will cause the plant to eventually die, and the soil and plant will need to be replaced.
Horticultural origin.
Bark/Stem Description
Young bark tends to have a red to dark brown colour and as the bark matures it will develop a scaly look.
Flower/Leaf Bud Description
Ovid in shape, buds are scaly and tend to be around 0.5 to 1.2 cm in length.
Leaf Description
Simple needle-like foliage that is sickle shaped and grows up to 18 mm in length and 2 mm wide. They have entire margins with parallel venation and are dark green on top, while a lighter blueish-green underneath. The colour of the needles does not change throughout the year.
Flower Description
As a female cultivar it does not produce flowers.
Fruit Description
Green, single ovoid shaped seeds are partially covered by a red aril. They will be present during October to November and be around 8 mm long. It should be noted that the seed is poisonous and should not be consumed.
Colour Description
Foliage stays its dark green colour all year long and contrasts with the bright red berries during the autumn months of October and November. Bark adds a dark brown colour with hints of red.
Texture Description
Texture stays the same year round with smooth leaves and flaky bark.
Notable Specimens
Kwantlen Polytechnic University located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada has a specimen part of their turf field lab.
It can be propagated using either semi-hardwood cuttings or soft-woods cuttings. Semi-hard wood cuttings will need to be taken from the thickest part of its prior year’s growth. Soft-wood cuttings need to be taken from the top region of mature wood that has just begun to form. Both types of cuttings will need to be taken in the morning and placed in a container with well-drained acidic soil. Set them in a location that will give them access to partial or full sun.
Ethnobotanical Uses (Disclaimer)
The berries of this shrub can be eaten if the seeds have been removed before. It has a few medicinal uses that include treatment of chest pains. In recent years Taxol has been detected in the shoots and can be used in making anti cancer drugs that would help treat ovarian cancer. The foliage has been used in the treatment of asthma, bronchitis, hiccups, indigestion, rheumatism, and epilepsy.
Dempsey, D., & Hook, I. (2000). Yew ( Taxus ) Species - Chemical And Morphological Variations. Pharmaceutical Biology, 38(4). Kwantlean Polytechnic University. (known published date). School of Horticulture: Taxus baccata ‘Repandens’. Retrieved march 31, 2022 from