Search Results (144)

Listing all Woody plants with common names beginning with T.

  • T.S. Clower Jr. Camellia
  • Tabbs Camellia
  • Tabris Floribunda Rose
  • Taengwood Balau, Teng
  • Tai Lu Ge Li (Chinese)
  • Taiwan Creeping Carpet
  • Taiwan Cypress, Hong Gui, 红桧 (China)
  • Taiwan Fir
  • Taiwan Hemlock
  • Taiwan Trident Maple
  • Taiwanese schefflera
  • Taiwanese Striped-bark Maple, Kawakami Maple
  • Taiyo Nishiki Japanese Maple
  • Take It Easy™ Rose
  • Tall Stewartia
  • Tallerack, Mealy Gum, Silver Marlock, White Marlock, White-leaved Marlock
  • Tama Electra Camellia
  • Tamango Floribunda Rose
  • Tamarack or Larch
  • Tamarind
  • Tamariscifolia Lawson's Cypress
  • Tangerine
  • Tanyosho Pine, Japanese Red Pine
  • Tapering Leaf Maple
  • Tapestry Rhododendron
  • Tasmanian Blue Gum
  • Tasmanian waratah
  • Tatarian Honeysuckle
  • Taunton Yew
  • Tea Camellia, Tea Shrub, Tea Plant, Tea Tree
  • Teddy Bear Arborvitae, Eastern Arborvitae
  • Telstar firethorn
  • Tempelhof Hinoki Falsecypress
  • Temple Juniper
  • temple magnolia 'Silver Cloud'
  • Temple of Bloom ® Heptacodium
  • Temple's Upright Sugar Maple
  • Tepa, Vauván, Huahuán
  • Terry Gilley Camellia
  • Terthroblastos Dwarf Buckeye, Sunshine Horsechestnut
  • Test
  • Tetracentron
  • Texas Barometer Bush
  • Texas Buckeye
  • Texas Buckeye
  • Thai Magnolia
  • Thai Magnolia
  • Thalia fuchsia
  • Tharantensis Caesia Lawson's Cypress
  • Thayerae Spreading Japanese Yew
  • The Ancient Mariner Rose
  • The Blinding Mangrove
  • The Blues Colorado Blue Spruce
  • The Bride Pearlbush
  • The Buddhist Pine
  • The Limey White Spruce
  • The Ngaio, Mousehole Tree
  • The Pot Belly Fig, Ginseng Plant, Banyan Fig, Taiwan Ficus, Indian Laurel, Curtain fig, Small-fruited Fig, Chinese Banyan, Malayan Banyan
  • The Rattler Apple
  • The Rising Sun Redbud
  • The Rising Sun™ Redbud
  • Thiessen Saskatoon Serviceberry
  • Thimbleberry
  • Thomas' Lidflower
  • Thompson Fuchsia
  • Thompson's Flowering Maple, Indian Mallow
  • Thomson Japanese Elm
  • Thorndale English Ivy
  • Thornless Honeylocust
  • Thorny Buffalo-berry
  • Thorny Holly Olive
  • Thoweii Falsecypress