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Currently searching Tropicals with common names beginning with R.
Raggedy Ann Copperleaf, Raggedy Ann Jacob’s Coat Ramena White Hawaiian Ti plant, Ramena White Good Luck Plant, Ramena White Palm Lily, Cabbage Tree.Rancho Tambor AgaveRat-Tail CactusRazzle Dazzle MasdevalliaReang A-Ron WaterlilyRed and Blue Waterlily, Blue Star Waterlily, Star LotusRed Angel's TrumpetRed Butterfly Orchid TreeRed Button Ginger, Scarlet Spiral FlagRed Dragon FlowerRed Edge Chinese EvergreenRed EmperorRed Ginger, Ostrich PlumeRed Hot Cat’s Tail, Bristly Copperleaf, Chenille Plant, Fox Tail, Philippine-Medusa, Red Cat’s Tail, Red Cattail, ChenilleRed Indian WaterlilyRed Pineapple, Wild PineappleRed Powder Puff, Powder Puff Tree, Powder Puff Bush, Stickpea, Flor de la CruzRed Sealing Wax Palm, Sealing-Wax Palm, Maharajah Palm, Lipstick PalmRed Sensation CordylineRed Silk-Cotton, Red Cotton Tree, Kapok, Silk CottonRed Sister Hawaiian Ti Plant, Red Sister Ti Plant, Red Sister Good-Luck Plant, Red Sister Cordyline.Red StarRed Teddy Bear ChollaRed Velvet GingerRed-Flowered mallee boxRed-Headed Irishman, Spiny Pin Cushion CactusRed-Spined Barrel CactusRekoi MammillariaRenga LilyResin Spurge - Restios
- Rex Begonia Vine
- Rex Chinese rice-paper Plant
- Rimu
- Robusta Rubber Tree, Robusta Rubber Plant, Robusta Rubber Bush
- Rock Purslane
- Rock Rose
- Rock Rose
- Roman Candle, Spanish Dagger
- Romance Neoregelia
- Roscoe's Lily or Purple Roscoe
- Roscoea
- Rose Apple
- Rose Cactus, Leaf Cactus, Wax Rose
- Rose of Sharon
- Rose of Sharon
- Rosemary
- Rosemary Grevillea
- Rosy-Purple Everlasting, Mangle's Everlasting
- Rough-Lipped Dendrobium
- Roughbark Lignum-vitae
- Roxburgh Fig, Elephant Ear Fig
- Roxburgh's Cassia, Ceylon Senna
- Royal Poinciana or Flamboyant Tree
- Royal Robe
- Rubber Tree, Rubber Plant, Rubber Bush
- Rubble Aloe, Mitre Aloe
- Rubella Peperomia
- Ruby Red Grapefruit
- Ruil
- Rusty Sedge