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Currently searching plants articles with common names beginning with O.
Oak FernOak Leaf HydrangeaOakleaf GeraniumObedient PlantObovate Peony, cao shao yao (China)Obsidian Coral BellsOcotilloOctober Glory Red MapleOctopus ArmsOctopus ArmsOctopus MagnoliaOctopus Tree, Umbrella Tree, Australian Ivy-Palm, Australian Umbrella Tree, Queensland Umbrella Tree, Australian Cabbage Tree, Arbre-pieuvreOdorata ClematisOdyssey Hellebore, Odyssey Oriental Hellebore or Odyssey Lenten RoseOgon Janome Japanese White PineOgurayama Full Moon MapleOh So Orange GeraniumOhio BuckeyeOhlendorf SpruceOiseau Bleu Rose MallowOkefenoken Giant Pitcher PlantOkinawa hollyOld Blush China RoseOld Fashioned Minuet WeigelaOld Fashioned Variegated WeigelaOld Fashioned WeigelaOld Father Live Forever, Hollyhock-Leaved PelargoniumOld Man Banksia, Saw BanksiaOld Man Cactus, Bunny Cactus, Old Man of Mexico, White Persian Cat CactusOld Man of the AndesOld Man Saltbush, Giant SaltbushOld Man's Beard CactusOld man's beard or Traveller's JoyOld Red DamaskOld-fashioned BleedingheartOldfield’s DarwiniaOleander, East Indian Oleander, Jamaica South Sea Rose, Laurier Rose, Rose Bay, Sweet-Scented OleanderOlive Branch HostaOlive TreeOlympic Double RaspberryOlympic Flame Mountain Grevillea, Olympic Flame Cat's ClawsOmomuki DaylilyOn Stage HostaOncidium Misaki Twinkle Obry Only YouOne-Leaf SquillOne-Seed JuniperOnetia Holland CamelliaOnionweed, Onion-leaved AsphodelOnondaga Sargent ViburnumOnyx Odyssey Lenten RoseOoldea MalleeOpal lungwortOphir Mugo PineOpium PoppyOptima Rosea Camellia.Orange Ball BuddlejaOrange Beauty Witch Hazel or HamamelisOrange BellOrange Black-eyed Susan VineOrange ConeflowerOrange Crest Globeflower - Orange Daisy
- Orange Daylily or Common Daylily
- Orange Dream Japanese Maple
- Orange Grove Wood Spurge
- Orange Hawkbit, Fox and Cubs
- Orange Man Coral Bells
- Orange Perfection Garden Phlox
- Orange Princess Globe Flower
- Orange Punch canna
- Orchid
- Orchid Cactus, Strap Cactus
- Orchid tree, Camel
- Orchidspot Rock Rose
- Oregano, Wild Marjoram, Pot Marjoram, English Marjoram
- Oregon Grape Holly
- Oregon White Oak
- Organ Pipe Cactus
- Oriental Alder
- Oriental Arborvitae, Oriental Cedar
- Oriental beech, Turkish beech
- Oriental Hellebore
- Oriental Hornbeam
- Oriental Paperbush
- Oriental Persimmon
- Oriental Plane, Lacewood
- Oriental Poppy
- Oriental Skullcap
- Oriental Skullcap
- Oriental Spruce
- Orinoco Flow Bearded Iris
- Ornamental Fountain Grass
- Ornamental Maple
- Ornamental Onion
- Ornamental Oregano
- Ornamental Pepper
- Ornamental Pincushion
- Ornatum Japanese Maple
- Orpine
- Osage Orange
- Osakazuki Japanese Maple
- Oscar Peterson Rose
- Oshu Shidare acer
- Osiered Amber Group Primrose
- Osiris Fantasie Leopard Plant
- Osiris Fantaisie Hosta
- Ostbo Red Kalmia latifolia
- Ostrich Fern, Shuttlecock Fern
- Othello Leopard Plant
- Ottawa Early Forsythia
- Our Beth Rose
- Our Lord's Candle, Spanish Bayonet
- Outrageous Daylily
- Oval-Leaf Hakea
- Ovens Wattle, Wedge-Leaved Wattle.
- Overbecks Magnolia
- Overcup Oak, Swamp Post Oak
- Overeynder English Yew
- Oxeye Daisy, Common Shasta Daisy
- Oxlip
- Oyster Bay Pine
- Oyster plant, Moses-in-the-cradle