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Currently searching Woody plants with common names beginning with R.

  • R. L. Wheeler Camellia
  • Rabble Rouser Rose
  • Radde's Birch
  • Rainbow Drooping Fetterbush, Rainbow Dog Hobble
  • Rainbow Eucalyptus
  • Rainbow Niagara Hybrid Tea Rose
  • Rainbow Rhododendron
  • Rainbow Surprise Looking-Glass Plant
  • Rainbows End™ White Spruce
  • Rakai Hebe
  • Rakhal Punjab, East Himalayan Yew
  • Rama rama
  • Ramapo Rhododendron
  • Rambler Rose
  • Ramblin Red Rsoe
  • Ramena White Hawaiian Ti plant, Ramena White Good Luck Plant, Ramena White Palm Lily, Cabbage Tree.
  • Ramona Clematis
  • Rancho Littleleaf Linden, Rancho Small-leaved Lime
  • Rasen Japanese Cedar
  • Raspberry Ice Magnolia
  • Raspberry Ruby Beauty
  • Raven Dawn Redwood
  • Razzleberri® Fringe Flower
  • Red Alder
  • Red Barberry, Purple Japanese barberry
  • red beech, New Zealand beech
  • Red Buckeye
  • Red Bud Maple
  • Red Cascade Spindle Tree
  • Red Chariot Rhododendron
  • Red chokeberry
  • Red Cutleaf Japanese Maple
  • Red Delicious Apple
  • Red Diamond Hydrangea
  • Red Edge Hebe
  • Red Elderberry, European Red Alder, Red Berried Elder
  • Red Elm
  • Red Flowering Gum
  • Red Fountain Climbing Rose
  • Red Fox Katsura Tree
  • Red Horopito, Mountain Horopito, Alpine Peppertree, New Zealand Pepper Tree.
  • Red Horsechestnut
  • Red Jade Crabapple
  • Red Lake Currant
  • Red Leaf Rose
  • Red Lion Magnolia
  • Red Lotus Tree
  • Red Maple
  • Red Matipo or Mapou
  • Red Mulberry
  • Red Oak
  • Red Obelisk Beech
  • Red or Copper Beech
  • Red osier dogwood
  • Red Pine
  • Red Prince Weigela
  • Red Rage Black Gum
  • Red Rose, Red Japanese Rose
  • Red Rot, Spiked Eremophila
  • Red Salento grevillea
  • Red Sandalwood, Red Sanders, Rakta Chandana
  • Red Sealing Wax Palm, Sealing-Wax Palm, Maharajah Palm, Lipstick Palm
  • Red Sensation Cordyline
  • Red Sensation Hydrangea
  • Red Silk-Cotton, Red Cotton Tree, Kapok, Silk Cotton
  • Red Spider Flower
  • Red Spruce
  • Red Twig Dogwood
  • Red Yucca, Red Hesperaloe, Coral Yucca, Red Flowered False Yucca, Samandoque
  • Red-osier Dogwood
  • Red-stemmed Barberry
  • Redvein Enkianthus, Furin-Tsutsuji
  • Redwing™ American Cranberry Bush Viburnum
  • Reflexed Norway Spruce
  • Regal Petticoat™ Maple
  • Regal Prince Oak
  • Rex Chinese rice-paper Plant
  • Rheingold Cedar
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhododendron
  • Rhododendron
  • Richmond Heavenly Bamboo