Search Results
Currently searching Tropicals with common names beginning with S.
- Snake Plant, Yoat's Horn
- Snow Bush
- Snow Bush
- Snow Gum, Alpine Snow Gum
- Snowball Cactus
- Snowflake Plant
- Soap Tree Yucca
- Society Garlic
- Society Garlic
- Socotran Fig Tree.
- Sodom Apple, Arabic: Ushar, Shakjr, Ashkhar/Askar, Asur
- Soft Leaved Agave
- Sogo Gotris Phalenopsis
- Sogo Jessica 2570 Phalenopsis
- Sogo Yukidian Ya You Phalenopsis
- Soledad Philodendron
- Solitary Candelabrum Agave
- Solomone Yellow Clivia
- Somali Hemp, Somali Good Luck Plant
- Song of India
- Southern Cross Aloe
- Spaghetti Strap Agave
- Spanish Bayonet
- Spanish Flag
- Spanish Flag, West Indian Lantana
- Spanish Moss
- Sparkling Sarah Chinese Evergreen
- Spatheflower, Peace Lily, White Flag, White Sails
- Spider Aloe, Blue Dwarf Aloe, Dwarf Hedgehog Aloe
- Spider Lily
- Spike Miniature Pine Tree
- Spineless Yucca, Soft-tip Yucca, Blue-stem Yucca, Giant Yucca
- Spineless Yucca, Soft-tip Yucca, Blue-stem Yucca, Giant Yucca, Yucca Cane, Itabo
- Spiral Aloe
- Spiral Ginger
- Spiral Ginger
- Splendens Poison Bulb, Splendens Giant Crinum.
- Spoon-Leaved Aeonium
- Spoonleaf Peperomia
- Spurge
- Spurge
- Square-Stemmed Pelargonium
- Squid Agave, Candelabrum Agave
- Sri Lankan Ironwood, Indian Rose Chestnut, Cobra's Saffron
- St. Helena Ebony
- St. Louis Gold Waterlily, Day Bloom Tropical Waterlily
- Stag's Horn Fern, Staghorn
- Staghorn Cholla
- Staghorn, Staghorn Fern
- Stapelia
- Star Cactus
- Star Cactus
- Star Fruit
- Star Sansevieria, Bowstring Hemp, Bow-string Hemp, Pangane Sansevieria, Pangane Hemp
- Star Wars Neoregelia
- Starburst, Fireworks, Winter Starburst, Shooting Star, Firecracker Bush
- Starlight Weeping Fig
- Starshine Pagoda Flower
- Stiff Bottlebrush, Bottlebrush Tree.
- Stinking Cedar, Florida Nutmeg, Florida Torreya, Gopher Wood, or Stinking Yew
- Stonecrop, Succulent Beans, Jelly Bean Plant, Jelly Beans, Silver Jelly Beans, Blue Jelly Bean, Succulents Water Plant, Many Fingers
- Straight-Spined Barrel Cactus
- Strawberry Cactus
- Strawberry Everlasting
- String of Buttons, Necklace Vine
- String of Pearls, String of Beads
- String of Pearls, String of Beads, String of Peas
- Strip Light Croton
- Stromanthe
- Succulent Sesame, Mouse Trap Tree, Unicorn Tree
- Sugar Apple
- Sugar Cane
- Summer Asphodel, Common Asphodel, Silver Rod
- Summer Hyacinth or Spire Lily
- Sunburst Mandarin Orange
- Sunday Crinum Lily
- Sunset Aloe, Crimson Aloe
- Sunshine Tree, Scrambled Egg Tree, Glossy Shower
- Super Mac Cala lily
- Swamp Wattle
- Swan River Daisy
- Sweet Granadilla, Passion Fruit Vine
- Sweet Orange
- Sweet Potato Vine
- Sweet Prickly Pear, Barbary Fig, Cactus Pear, Indian Fig, Indian Fig Prickly Pear, Mission Cactus, Mission Prickly Pear, Panini, Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Cactus, Prickly-pear, Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear, Smooth Prickly Pear, Spineless Cactus
- Sweet-Scented Geranium
- Sydney Blue Gum
- Sydney Golden Wattle