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Currently searching plants articles with common names beginning with D.
- Donger Neoregelia
- Donkey Ears
- Donkey's Tail, Jelly Bean, Burro's Tail
- Donna Magnolia
- Dorset Blue Hosta
- Dortmund Shrub Rose, Dortmund Kordesii Rose
- Double Decker Purple Coneflower
- Double Delight Cream Nasturtium, Double Delight Cream Garden Nasturtium, Double Delight Cream Monks Cress, Double Delight Cream Indian Cress
- Double Delight Hybrid Tea Rose
- Double Ellen Green Hellebore
- Double Fashion Narcissus, Double Fashion Daffodil
- Double Flowering Almond
- Double Flowering Cherry, Double Gean.
- Double Flowering Fernleaf Peony
- Double Flowering Kerria, Japanese Kerria
- Double Flowering Snowdrop
- Double Glow Daylily
- Double Narcissus, Double Daffodil
- Double Narcissus, Double Daffodil
- Double White Burnet Rose
- Doublefile Viburnum
- Doublefile Viburnum
- Doublefile Viburnum
- Douglas Creeping Juniper
- Douglas Fir
- Douglas Maple
- Doum Palm, Gingerbread Tree
- Dove Tree, Ghost Tree, or Handkerchief Tree
- Dovegrove Dahlia
- Dovesfoot Cranesbill
- Downton Abbey Pretty Lady Rose™ Rose
- Downy Oak or Pubescent Oak
- Downy or Red Hawthorn
- Downy Yellow Violet
- Dr Ruppel Clematis
- Dr W. Van Fleet Climbing Rose
- Dr. Burnside Camellia
- Draba
- Draba
- Dracaena, Corn Plant, Chinese Money Tree, Cornstalk Dracaena, Happy Plant
- Dragon of the World, Tropical Leaf-flower
- Dragon Tree, Madagascar dragon tree
- Dragon Tree, Tri-colour Dragon Tree
- Dragon Wings Ragwort
- Dragon-tree Agave
- Dragone™ Sunset Begonia
- Dragone™ White Blush Begonia
- Dragons' Blood
- Dragons-eye Japanese Red Pine
- Dragontree, Madagascar Dragon Tree
- Draijer's Dwarf Pine
- Drama Girl Camellia.
- Dream Castle Camellia.
- Dream Catcher Beauty Bush
- Dreaming Yellow Siberian Iris
- Dreamweaver Crabapple
- Drooping Fig
- Drooping Juniper or Mexican Juniper
- Drooping Leucothoe
- Drooping Weeping Juniper, Mexican Juniper
- Dropwart, Fern-leaf Dropwort
- Drumstick Primula
- Drumstick Tree
- Dublin Bay® Climbing Rose
- Dublin Elaine Daylily
- Duby
- Ducharme White Spruce
- Duchess of Nuremberg echeveria
- Duchesse Decazes Camellia, Hime, Juanita, Opelousa's Peony, Mrs Conrad Wall Jr. Camellia
- Duflon Alpine Fir
- Duke Gardens Japanese Plum Yew
- Duke of Cornwall Rhododendron
- Dumb Cane
- Duncan Slender Deutzia
- Dunnii Mountain Ash
- Duo Hua Pao Hua Shu
- Dusky Cranesbill
- Dust Devil Hosta
- Dusty Miller
- Dusty Miller
- Dusty Miller, Beach Sage, Beach Wormwood
- Dusty Miller, Native Wormwood, White Sage, Louisiana Sagewort
- Dusty Miller, Silver Ragwort
- Dutch Elm
- Dutch Elm
- Dutchman's Breeches
- Dutchman's Pipe
- Dutchmans Pipe
- Dutchman’s Pipe, Pipevine
- Dutchmaster Daffodil
- Dwarf Aeonium
- Dwarf Alberta Spruce
- Dwarf Aloe, Baker Aloe
- Dwarf American Arborvitae
- Dwarf American Beech
- Dwarf Apple Blossom Tree, Pink Shower Cassia, Wishing-tree
- Dwarf Arctic Willow
- Dwarf Ballon Flower, Dwarf Japanese Bellflower
- Dwarf Balloon Flower
- Dwarf Balsam Fir
- Dwarf Balsam Fir
- Dwarf Birch
- Dwarf Black Spruce
- Dwarf Bog Birch
- Dwarf Bosnian Pine
- Dwarf Buckeye, Conker Tree
- Dwarf Canna Lily
- Dwarf Chestnut, Allegheny Chinquapin, Chinkapin
- Dwarf Chin Cactus
- Dwarf Chinquapin Oak, Scrub Chestnut Oak
- Dwarf Common or Singleseed Hawthorn
- Dwarf Cotoneaster
- Dwarf Cryptomeria
- Dwarf Echeveria
- Dwarf English Yew, Repandens English Yew
- Dwarf European Cranberrybush Viburnum
- Dwarf False Arborvitae, Dwarf Hiba Arborvitae.
- Dwarf Fothergilla, Bottlebrush
- Dwarf Fragrant Viburnum
- Dwarf Garland Spiraea
- Dwarf Globe Japanese Cedar
- Dwarf Goat's Beard
- Dwarf Goat's Beard
- Dwarf Golden Cypress
- Dwarf Golden Oriental Cedar
- Dwarf Gorse, Dwarf Furze
- Dwarf Hardy Gloxinia
- Dwarf Haworthia
- Dwarf Hinoki Falsecypress
- Dwarf honeysuckle
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Iris
- Dwarf Iris
- Dwarf Japanese Cedar
- Dwarf Japanese Falsecypress
- Dwarf Japanese Fleeceflower
- Dwarf Japanese Plum-Yew, Prostrate Japanese Plum Yew
- Dwarf Kangaroo Paw
- Dwarf Korean Pine
- dwarf leatherwood
- Dwarf Lilyturf, Mondo Grass, Fountain Plant, Monkey Grass
- Dwarf Magnolia
- Dwarf Mondo Grass
- Dwarf Mugo Pine
- Dwarf Norway Spruce
- Dwarf or Oval-leaf Milkweed
- Dwarf Pagoda Japanese Holly, Dwarf Pagoda Box-Leaved Holly
- Dwarf Palmetto, Bluestem Palmetto, Scrub Palmetto, Bush Palmetto.
- Dwarf Pampas Grass
- Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwood, Leadwort
- Dwarf Pomegranate
- Dwarf Purple Fountain Grass
- Dwarf Puya
- Dwarf Rhododendron
- Dwarf Rhododendron
- Dwarf Rose Variegated Weigela
- Dwarf Sansevieria,
- Dwarf Sedge, Miniature Sedge, Variegated Miniature Sedge
- Dwarf Serbian Spruce
- Dwarf Snow Bush
- Dwarf Spruce
- Dwarf Sugar Palm, Formosa Palm, Taiwan Arenga Palm, Taiwan Sugar Palm
- Dwarf White Cedar
- Dwarf White Enkianthus
- Dwarf White Pine
- Dwarf Yucca
- Dwarf-Winged Burning Bush
- Dyer's Broom, Dyer’s Greenweed
- Dyer's Rocket, Yellow Weed