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Currently searching plants articles with common names beginning with W.
- White Saucer Magnolia
- White Saucer magnolia
- White Shooting Star
- White Spike Gayfeather, Dense Blazing Stars, Floristan White Blazing Stars
- White Spot Dawn Redwood
- White Spotted Lady Lenten Rose
- White Spruce
- White Star Poinsettia, White Star Noche Buena
- White Striped Giant Snake Plant
- White Stripes Dracaena, White Stripes Corn Plant
- White Tigress Maple, Manchurian Striped Maple, White Tigress Snakebark Maple.
- White Top
- White Trumpet Pitcher Plant
- White Trumpet Tree, Ipê-branco, Pau-d’arco
- White Tulip Tree
- White Willow
- White Wood Aster
- White-Edge Swedish Ivy
- White-edged Japanese Kerria
- white-flowered honesty
- White-flowered Rose Campion
- White-flowered Snake's Head Fritillary
- White-flowering Bluebell
- White-painted Hosta
- White-Variegated Beech
- Whitebark Magnolia, Japanese Bigleaf Magnolia
- Whitebark Pine
- Whitebeam Mountainash
- Whitehill Silver Saxifrage or Whitehill Encrusted Saxifrage
- Whiteknights Amethyst Fuchsia
- Whiteknights Blush Fuchsia
- Whiterim Japanese Pieris
- Whitetop, Hoary Cress
- Whitewater Bear's Breeches
- Whitewater dog hobble
- Whitney Snake Plant
- Whoops-a-Daisy Shasta Daisy
- Whortleberry, Bilberry
- Widnet il-Ba'ar, Fiordaliso Crassifoglio, Maltese Rock-centaury, Maltese Centuary
- Widow Flower
- Wiesner's Magnolia
- Wild Arum, Lords and Ladies, Devils and Angels
- Wild Ber, Wild Jujube, Wrinkled Jujube
- Wild Bergamot
- Wild Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace
- Wild Cucumber
- Wild Daffodil, Easter Lily
- Wild Date Palm
- Wild Ginger
- Wild Himalayan Cherry
- Wild Indigo
- Wild Mignonette
- Wild Parasol Flower
- Wild Petunia, Ciliate Wild Petunia, Low Ruellia, Hairy Ruellia, Fringeleaf Wild Petunia, Low Wild Petunia
- Wild Red Raspberry
- Wild Service Tree, Chequer Tree
- Wild Strawberries or Woodland Strawberries
- Wild Wookie Daylily
- Wilhelm Rose
- Will's Ringwood Rosie Dahlia
- William Baffin Shrub Rose, Kordesii Rose
- William Hertrich Camellia
- William Jackson Japanese Holly, William Jackson Box-Leaved Holly
- Williams Hybrid Camellia
- Williams Rhododendron
- Willow Gentian, Milkweed Gentian
- Willow Leaf Ficus
- Willow Leaf Spiketail
- Willow Oak
- Willow Wattle, Weeping Wattle, Port Jackson Willow, Orange Wattle, Golden-wreath Wattle, Blue-leafed Wattle, Coojong
- Willow, Sallows, Osiers.
- Willow-Leaf Podocarpus
- Willow-Leaved Foxglove
- Willow-Leaved Magnolia
- Willow-leaved Sunflower
- Willowleaf Cotoneaster
- Willowleaf Oxeye
- Willowleaf Pear
- Willowleaf Weeping Pear
- Wilson Flakey Juniper
- Wilson's Magnolia, Oyama Magnolia
- Wilson's Spruce
- Wilton Juniper, Blue Rug Juniper
- Wim's Red Hydrangea
- Windchime™ Red-White Fuchsia
- Windchime™ White-White Fuchsia
- Windflower
- Windflower
- Windflower
- Windmill Dahlia
- Windmill Palm, Chusan palm
- Wine African Daisy
- Wine and Roses Rhododendron
- Wine and Roses Weigela
- Wine Eyed Jill Dahlia
- Wine Raspberry
- Wineberry
- Winelight Magnolia
- Winged Spindle, Burning Bush
- Winged Spindle, Burning Bush
- Winged Sumac
- Winged Thorn Rose
- Winston Churchill Lawson's Cypress
- Winter Aconite, Wolf's Bane
- Winter Beauty Boxwood
- Winter Beauty Honeysuckle
- Winter Begonia
- Winter Berry
- Winter Daphne
- Winter Dreams Lenten Rose, Cassis Red Lenten Rose
- Winter Green Umbrella Pine
- Winter Hazel
- Winter honeysuckle
- Winter Jasmine
- Winter King Green Hawthorn
- Winter Snow Hosta
- Winter White Italian Arum
- Winterberry
- Winterbourn Philodendron, Xanadu Philodendron
- Wintercreeper, Fortune's Spindle
- Wintergold White Fir
- Wintergreen Barberry
- Winterthur Smooth Witherod
- Wire Netting Bush
- Wisconsin Cream Colorado Spruce
- Wisley Daffodil
- Wisselii Lawson's Cypress
- Witch Doctor Coleus
- Witches Broom Ginkgo, Witches Broom Maidenhair Tree
- Witherod Viburnum
- WJ Painted Hybrid Lenten Rose
- Wolf Tail Cactus
- Wollemi Pine
- Wolting's Gold Scots Pine
- Wood Anemone, Windflower or Thimbleweed
- Wood Avens, St. Benedict's Herb
- Wood Betony
- Wood Cranesbill
- Wood Forget-Me-Not
- Wood Lily
- Wood Lily
- Wood Sedge
- Wood Spurge
- Wood Violet, Sweet Violet, English Violet, Common Violet, or Garden Violet
- Woodbine
- Woodbine Honeysuckle, Woodbine
- Woodbridge Dahlia
- Woodland King Oregon Grape Holly
- Woodland Phlox or Wild Sweet William
- Woodland Queen Oregon Grape Holly
- Woodland Sage
- Woodland Tulip
- Woodside Strain Columbine
- Woolly Mammoth Hosta
- Woolly Rock Jasmine
- Woolly Rock Rose, Lisbon False Sun-Rose
- Woolly Senecio
- Woolly Torch
- Woolly Viburnum
- Woolly Wattle
- Wooly Congea, Shower Orchid, Shower of Orchid
- Wooly Willow
- Woolybush, Coastal Woolybush, Tall Woolybush, Smoke Bush and Australian Smoke Bush
- World Cup Hosta
- wormwood
- Wormwood or Silver Mound
- Wormwood Senna, Silver Cassia, Feathery Cassia
- Worplesdon American Sweetgum
- Wratislaviensis Linden
- Wu Bing Ye Ban Ji Ji, 无柄叶半脊荠 (China)
- Wu Chi Qing Gang (Chinese)
- Wushan Fairy Wings
- Wych Elm or Scots Elm
- Wyevale Clematis
- Wyevale Tube Clematis
- Wyndley Sneezeweed
- Wyoming Canna