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Currently searching Perennials ordered by Common Name.
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Your search generated 2891 results.
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- () Primula calderiana subsp. calderiana
- () Lathyrus odoratus 'Beaujolais'
- () Hippeastrum var. variegata
- () Lathyrus luteus
- () Roldana petasitis
- () Ludisia discolor var. alba
- () Coelogyne cristata
- () Kniphofia baurii
- () Kleinia abyssinica
- () Lathyrus odoratus 'Blue Reflections'
- () Opuntia acanthocarpa var. ganderi
- () Oxalis chachahuensis
- () Oxalis squamata
- () Bistorta major 'Superba'
- () Cypripedium himalaicum
- () Meconopsis bhutanica
- () Haworthia tesselatifolia
- () Opuntia tunicata var. tunicata
- () Opuntia tunicata var. davisii
- () Crocus chrysanthus 'Blue Pearl'
- () Inula barbata
- () Linum perenne
- () Allium calamarophilon
- () Minuartia dirphya
- () Polygala helenae
- () Lamyropsis microcephala
- () Polygala sinisica
- () Corydalis benecincta
- () Corydalis hamata
- () Callianthemoides semiverticillatus
- () Dodecatheon clevelandii subsp. insulare
- () Aethionema retsina
- () Cypripedium elegans
- () Astragalus yunnanensis
- () Oxalis erythrorhiza
- () Helleborus niger 'Winter Sunshine'
- () Helleborus orientalis 'Black Strain'
- () Brimeura duvigneaudii
- () Naufraga balearica
- () Erysimum kykkoticum
- () Opuntia parryi var. serpentina
- () Primula tenella
- () Rhodohypoxis milloides 'Damask'
- () Blechnum penna-marina
- () Cortaderia selloana
- () Dryopteris filix-mas
- () Iris ensata
- () Lobelia laxiflora
- () Rhodohypoxis milloides
- () Opuntia phaeacantha var. camanchica
- () Rodgersia pinnata 'Superba'
- () Yucca recurvifolia
- () Vancouveria chrysantha
- () Sempervivum cantabricum
- () Salvia corrugata
- () Sedum oreganum
- () Sempervivum arachnoideum var. bryoides
- () Sempervivum atlanticum
- () Petrocallis pyrenaica
- () Petunia patagonica
- () Speirantha convallarioides
- () Astilboides tabularis
- () Begonia 'Irene Nuss'
- () Epilobium canum subsp. latifolium
- () Phlox paniculata 'Silver Salmon'
- () Iris pumila var. aequiloba
- () Iris zenaidae
- () Opuntia acanthocarpa var. major
- () Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinaceae 'Karl Foerster'
- () Opuntia acanthocarpa var. coloradensis
- () Oxalis nahuelhuapensis
- () Oxalis compacta
- () Phlox subulata 'Nettleton Variation'
- () Polemonium reptans 'Lambrook Mauve'
- () Rhodohypoxis baurii 'Harlequin'
- () Puya mirabilis
- () Eurybia conspicua
- () Haemanthus multifloris
- () Primula vulgaris 'Eugenie'
- () Primula auricula 'Alpina'
- () Polygonum odoratum 'Variegatum'
- () Polemonium reptans 'Stairway to Heaven'
- () Cypripedium tibeticum
- () Opuntia wigginsii
- () Boehmeria longispica
- () Gentiana doerigiana
- () Oreopolus glacialis
- () Gentiana decumbens
- () Gentiana cruciata subsp. phlogifolia
- () Ourisia microphylla
- () Alchemilla cinerea
- () Darmera peltata
- () Perezia lanigera
- () Gentiana grossheimi
- () Nassauvia ameghinoi
- () Phedimus obstusifolius
- () Sedum tortuosum
- () Myosotis pulvinaris
- () Nassauvia lagascae
- () Nassauvia juniperiana
- () Geranium collinum
- () Gentiana veitchiorum
- () Gentiana ternifolia
- () Pycnophyllum molle
- () Disa uniflora
- () Brachyscome 'Pacific Cloud'
- () Paraquilegia microphylla
- () Primula sikkimensis
- () Spongiocarpella yunnanensis
- () Thermopsis smithiana
- () Iris barbatula
- () Opuntia phaecantha var. nigracana
- () Opuntia engelmanii
- () Opuntia macrohiza
- () Allium akaka
- () Aloe parvibracteata
- () Brachyscome bellidioides
- () Polygonum weyrichii
- () Pycnophyllum bryoides
- () Pterocephalus spathulatus
- () Pterocephalus pinardii
- () Alchemilla xanthochlora
- () Phyllostachys bambusoides
- () Alchemilla longiuscula
- () Pinellia ternata
- () Euphorbia characias
- () Opuntia acanthocarpa var. thornberi
- () Notoriche compacta
- () Opuntia schottii var. schottii
- () Opuntia schottii var. grahamii
- () Opuntia clavata
- () Opuntia polyacantha var. polyacantha
- () Opuntia polyacantha var. rufispina
- () Opuntia polyacantha var. trichophora
- () Arenaria hookeri
- () Opuntia kleiniae var. tetracantha
- () Opuntia kleiniae var. kleiniae
- () Opuntia whipplei
- () Opuntia whipplei var. multigeniculata
- () Opuntia whipplei var. viridiflora
- () Opuntia imbricata var. argentea
- () Opuntia kelvinensis
- () Opuntia fulgida var. mamilata
- () Opuntia bigelovii var. hoffmannii
- () Opuntia bigelovii var. bigelovii
- () Dianthus haematocalyx subsp. pindicola
- () Dianthus 'Minimounds'
- () Dianthus simulans
- () Primula obconica
- () Pedicularis monbeigiana
- () Xanthorrhoea brunonis
- () Pedicularis mussotii
- () Triodia basedowii
- () Hosta rectifolia
- () Aster souliei
- () Primula souliei
- () Rhyncholaeliocattleya goldenzelle 'Lemon Chiffon'
- () Sparganium americanum
- () Antirrhinum pulverulentum
- () Aruncus dioicus var. astilboides
- () Canna tuerckheimii
- () Hymenocallis littoralis
- () Saxifraga cochlearis 'Minor'
- () Linum aretioides
- () Allium flavum var. minus
- () Echinacea pallida
- () Primula bracteata subsp. dubernardiana
- () Morisia monanthos
- () Primula vulgaris 'Arctic Red'
- () Mammillaria albicans
- () Mammillaria angelensis
- () Erodium petraeum subsp. crispum
- () Mammillaria sonorensis
- () Helleborus cyclophyllus
- () Globularia sacrophylla
- () Epimedium stellulatum 'Wudang Star'
- () Opuntia engelmannii var. rastera
- () Echinacea purpurea 'Rubinstern'
- () Paracaryum racemosum
- () Verbascum phoenicum
- () Hosta nigrescens
- () Dryas octopetala 'Garden'
- () Campanula troegerae
- () Euphorbia nerifolia
- () Linum cariense
- () Hypochaeris oligocephala
- () Kleinia gregorii
- () Catananche caespitosa
- () Physorrhynchus chamaerapistrum
- () Iberis garretii
- () Saxifraga x poluangelica
- () Echeveria cana
- () Dracocephalum imbere
- () Elegia fenestrata
- () Pachypodium decaryi
- () Primula rosea 'Gigas'
- () Euphorbia dulcis
- () Parodia warasii
- () Saxifraga x irvingii
- () Pteroceras dalaputtuwa
- () Iris sintenisii
- () Androsace sarmentosa
- () Anosmia caerulescens
- () Iris reichembachii
- () Convolvulus virgatus
- () Solms-laubachia retropilosa
- () Allium chrysanthum
- () Pteroceras viridiflorum
- () Globularia velutina
- () Diapensia purpurea
- () Potentilla clusiana
- () Agapanthus 'Thumbelina'
- () Linum tenuifolium
- () Molinia caerulea 'Strahlenqulle'
- () Tulipa 'Formosa'
- () Arnica chamissonis
- () Notoriche macleanii
- () Notoriche meyenii
- () Phlox albomarginata
- () Primula x pubescens
- () Lilium auratum 'Citronella'
- () Welwitschia mirabilis subsp. namibiana
- () Leucanthemum x superbum 'Eisstern'
- () Oenothera lindheimeri
- () Hyptis emoryi
- () Pachysandra stylosa
- () Leucanthemum x superbum
- () Barnardia japonica
- () Kniphofia tysonii
- () Phlox bryoides
- () Phlox x rugelii
- () Artemisia rupestris var. viridis
- () Echinocereus stoloniferus subsp. tayopensis
- () Dionysia tapetodes
- () Dichelostemma ida-maia 'Pink Diamond'
- () Spiranthes casei
- () Artemisia lanata
- () Dianthus haemalocalyx subsp. pindicola
- () Sempervivum arachnoideum
- () Psephellus mucronifer
- () Dianthus superbus subsp. alpestris
- () Gentiana crassicaulis
- () Crambe pontica
- () Campanula dasyantha subsp. chamissonis
- () Blechnum brasiliense
- () Gentiana paradoxa
- () Origanum minutiflorum
- () Pelargonium iocastrum
- () Onosma araratica
- () Astelia nervosa
- () Saxifraga x megaseaeflora 'Radka'
- () Sidalcea
- () X Amarine tubergenii 'Zwanenburg'
- () Albuca humilis
- () Impatiens arguta
- () Impatiens stenantha
- () Tulipa clusiana subsp. diniae
- () Helleborus x ballardiae
- () Arisaema consanguineum
- () Arisaema griffithii
- () Armeria juniperifolia 'Vesuvius'
- () Agave lophantna var. latifolia
- () Mammillaria montensis
- () Iris pallida
- () Neoregelia cruenta
- () Primula polyantha 'Francesca'
- () Fraxinus chiisanensis
- () Lathyrus luteus 'Aureus'
- () Alchemilla sericata 'Gold Strike'
- () Cerinthe major
- () Geranium sanguineum var. lancastriense
- () Calceolaria x banksii
- () Kniphofia rooperi
- () Pratia pedunculata
- () Euphorbia pontica
- () Primula chungensis
- () Euphorbia pilosa
- () Sisyrinchium bellum 'California Skies'
- () Primula waltonii
- () Sidalcea 'Sussex Beauty'
- () Pteris wallichiana
- () Persicaria milletii
- () Stachys officinalis 'Alba'
- () Chrysosplenium davidianum
- () Disporopsis aspersa
- () Eryngium eburneum
- () Neoregelia
- () Gunnera magellanica
- () Lobelia laxiflora var. angustifolia
- () Lysimachia minoricensis
- () Meconopsis 'Lingholm'
- () Rhodohypoxis milloides 'Claret'
- () Euphorbia francoisii
- () Gentiana walujewii var. kesselringii
- () Gentiana grombczewskii
- () Erysimum
- () Deinanthe caerulea 'Blue Wonder'
- () Bergenia afghanica
- () Euphorbia enterophora var. crassa
- () Alchemilla trullata
- () Euphorbia decaryi
- () Rodgersia tabularis
- () Gentiana gelida
- () Arum italicum 'Pictum'
- () Fritillaria alburyana
- () Aegopodium podagraria 'Variegata'
- () Hylotelephium erythrostictum 'Mediovariegatum'
- () Androsace barbulata
- () Phlomis crecphila
- () Sansevieria stuckyi
- () Androsace delavayi
- () Androsace tapete
- () Corydalis melanochlora
- () Polygonatum falcatum
- () Soroseris glomerata
- () Sansevieria grandis var. zuluensis
- () Primula boreiocalliantha
- () Primula bullata var. bullata
- () Anemone tschernaewii
- () Datura sanguinea
- () Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'
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- Autumn Magic Elephant's Ears, Autumn Magic Bergenia
- Breckland Thyme, Breckland Wild Thyme, Wild Thyme, Creeping Thyme, Elfin Thyme.
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- A Crade Bergamot
- Abiqua Drinking Gourd Hosta
- Abyssinian Banana, Ethiopian or False Banana, Red Banana, Wild Banana
- Abyssinian gladiolus
- Adagio Chinese Silver Grass, Adagio Maiden Grass, Adagio Eulalia
- Addersmeat, Greater Stitchwort
- Adelina Patti Camellia.
- Aechmea Bromeliad, Urn Plant
- Aechmea Bromeliad, Urn Plant
- Aeonium
- African Daisy
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- African Iris, Cape Iris, Fortnight Lily, Morea Lily, Wild Iris
- African Milk Tree
- African Violet
- Agave, Century Plant
- Agave-leaved Sea Holly
- Akamas Centaury
- Alba Grape Hyacinth
- Alba White Bleeding Heart
- Albany Cat's Paw
- Albatross Narcissus
- Albion Strawberry
- Alcantarea Bromeliad, Fragrant Alcantarea
- Alex Summers Hosta
- Alexander Loosestrife
- Alexeenkoana of Gardens
- Algerian Ivy
- Alice in Wonderland Daylily
- All Black Phormium
- All Fired Up Daylily
- All That Jazz Tulip.
- Allegheny Monkey Flower
- Allegheny Spurge
- Alligator Juniper, Checkerbark Juniper
- Allioni's Primrose
- Alpine Draba
- Alpine Forget-Me-Not
- Alpine Goldenaster
- Alpine Leafybract Aster
- Alpine Ruby Astelia
- Alpine Water Fern
- Alpine Wood Fern
- Alumina Chinese Evergreen
- Alyssum
- Amaryllis
- Amate Soleil Umbrella Plant, Amate Soleil Umbrella Tree
- Amate Umbrella Tree, Amate, Schefflera Amate
- Amazon Lily
- Amber Queen Barrenwort, Amber Queen Bishop's Hat, Amber Queen Fairy Wings
- Amber Waves Cora Bells
- American Pokeweed, Pigeon Berry, Scoke, Garget
- American Sweetheart Hosta
- Amiciayoke-leaved Amicia
- Amy Hosta
- Angel's Tears, Thalia Narcissus
- Angel's Trumpet
- Angel's Trumpet
- Angélique Double Late Tulip, Angélique Peony-Flowered Tulip
- Anise-Scented Sage
- Ann Folkard Geranium
- Anna's Red Hellebore
- Anne Marie Fumewart, Anne Marie Corydalis
- Antioch Hosta
- Apalachicola Rosemary
- Aphrodite Hosta
- Apple Blossom Bergenia
- Apple Crisp Cora Bells
- Apple Frost Lungwort
- Apple Geranium
- Apricot Drops Bearded Iris
- Apricot Drops Iris
- Apricot Whirl Daffodil
- April Rose Primrose
- Arabian Lilac, Hand of Mary, Simple-Leaf Chaste Tree
- Arabian Mystery Tulip
- Arabian Night Dahlia
- Arcsunset-African Daisy
- Arctic Blue Primrose
- Arctic Campion
- Arctic Pink Primrose
- Arends Wall Cress, SnowballWwall Cress
- Arenga Species, Wild Sago Palm, Areng Palm, Black Sugar Palm, Kaong, Solitary Sugar Palm
- Aristocrat Hosta
- Arizona Apricot Blanketflower
- Arizona Fishhook Cactus
- Arizona Sun Blanket Flower
- Arkwright's Campion
- Armenian Basket Flower
- Ascot Rainbow Spurge
- Ashe's Calamint, Ashe's Calamintha
- Asian Wild Ginger or Showy Sichuan Ginger
- Asperula
- Assam Orange Ginger Lily
- Astible
- Astilbe
- Atlantis Hosta
- Aucher-Eloy Iris
- Aurantiaca Daylily
- Aurea Golden Creeping Jenny, Aurea Gold Moneywort
- Aureomaculatum Croton.
- Aureum Golden Oregano, Aureum Golden Marjory
- Auricula
- Auricula
- Australian Canna
- Australian Geeranium
- Australian Grass, Grass Tree
- Autumn Crocus, Meadow Saffron, Naked Lady
- Autumn Fern, Japanese Wood Fern, Japanese Shield Fern, Copper Shield Fern
- Autumn Joy Sedum
- Autumn Rain Neoregelia, Bullis Bromeliads
- Autumn Snakeroot, Black Cohosh, Black or Branched Bugbane
- Avens
- Axminster Gold Comfrey
- Azure Snow Hosta
B ↑ back to top
- Baby Blessed Iris
- Baby Bunting Hosta
- Baby Doll Bergenia
- Baby Moon Daffodil
- Baby Toes, Baby's Toes
- Baby's Necklace
- Baby’s Tears, Angel’s Tears, Bits and Pieces, Bread and Cheese, Corsican Creeper, Corsican Curse, Friendship Plant, Helxine, Irish Moss, Mind-Your-Own-Business, Mother of Thousands, Paddy’s Wig, Pollyanna Vine
- Bach Elephant's Ears
- Backbird Spurge
- Backyard Monster Hosta
- Baja Fairy Duster
- Baker sawblade
- Balfour Aralia
- Ballerina Geranium
- Ballerina™ Lilac Thrift
- Balloon Flower, Japanese Bellflower
- Bamboo
- Bamboo
- Bamboo Cycad
- Bamboo Fern
- Bamboo Iris
- Bamboo Muhly
- Banana
- Banana Cream Shasta Daisy
- Banana, Cavendish Banana, Chinese Banana, Ladyfinger Banana
- Banana, Plantain
- Banbury Ruffles Dwarf Iris
- Bandit Mon Daylily
- Barbara Norton Fuchsia
- Barbaricina Colombine
- Barbarini™ Pink Sweet William
- Barnhaven Blues Group Primrose
- Barnhaven Butterscotch Primrose
- Barnhaven Cowichan Yellow Group
- Barnhaven Desert Sunset Primrose
- Barnhaven Gilded Ginger
- Barnhaven Little Egypt
- Barnhaven Winter White Primrose
- Barnsley Tree mallow
- Barrenwort
- Barrenwort Fröhnleiten
- Barrenwort or Bishop's Hat or Fairy Wings
- Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat
- Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat
- Barrenwort, Bishop's Hat
- Barrii Conspicuus
- Basket of Gold or Gold-dust
- Bath's Flame Daffodil
- Battle Star Hosta
- Beach Naupaka, Naupaka
- Bean Caper (Arabic: Haram, (Harm) Rotreet, Balbal, Theromet)
- Bear River Fleabane
- Bear's Breech
- Bear's Breeches
- Bear's Breeches
- Bear's Breeches
- Beardtongue
- Beautiful Graptopetalum
- Beauty of Livermere Oriental Poppy
- Beautyberry
- Beavertail Pricklypear
- Becky Shasta Daisy
- Bee Orchid
- Bee's Knees Dwarf Bearded Iris
- Beech Fern
- Beefsteak Plant
- Belladonna Hens and Chicks
- Belladonna Lily
- Belladonna Lily, Jersey Lily
- Belladonna or Deadly Nightshade
- Bellflower
- Bells of Gold Daylily.
- Ben Odams Daylilly
- Beni-chidori Barrenwort, Beni-chidori Bishop's Hat
- Bermuda Buttercup, Soursob, Soursop, Bermuda Buttercup, African Wood-sorrel, Bermuda Sorrel, Buttercup Oxalis, Cape Sorrel, English Weed, Goat's-foot and Sourgrass
- Bernardino Daffodil
- Berries and Cream Lungwort
- Berry Smoothie Coral Bells
- Berry Swirl Helleborus
- Berry Timeless Coral Bells
- Beryl Cyclamen Daffodil
- Beth Evans Fumewort
- Bethlehem sage 'Dora Bielefeld'
- Beyond Blue Fescue
- Beyond Blue blue fescue
- Bicolor Gasteria
- Bicolor Wolf's Bane, Bicolor Monk's Hood
- Big Blue Lily Turf
- Big Blue Lilyturf
- Big Daddy Hosta
- Big Kahuna Coneflower
- Bigroot Cranesbill
- Bigroot Geranium
- Billberry Ice Spider-Lily, Billberry Ice Spiderwort
- Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower
- Bird of Paradise, Orange Bird of Paradise, Crane Flower
- Bird Vetch, Tufted Vetch
- Bird's Foot Trefoil, Birdfoot Deervetch
- Bird's Nest Fern
- Bird's Nest Fern, Crow's Nest Fern, Nest Fern
- Bird’s Nest Snake Plant, Bird’s Nest Sansevieria, Golden Hahnii, Good Luck Plant, Dwarf Mother in Law’s Tongue, Dwarf Snake Plant
- Bishop's Cap
- Bishop's Hat
- Bishop's Hat
- Bishop's Hat
- Bishop's Hat, Barrenwort
- Bitsy Gold Hosta
- Biznaguita
- Black Alcea
- Black Bryony
- Black Coral Snake Plant
- Black Gamecock
- Black Mondo Grass
- Black Parrot Tulip
- Black Pearl alum root
- Black Rose, Black Beauty, Black Tree Aeonium, Black Aeonium
- Black Willow
- Black-spined Pricklypear
- Blackberry Crisp Coral Bells
- Blackout Coral Bells
- Blandford Geranium
- Blanket Flower
- Blanket Flower
- Blazing Star
- Blazing Stars or Gay Feather
- Blind Prickly Pear
- Blind Pricklypear
- Blogold Blue Sunrise Geranium, Blogold Cranesbill
- Blondie Coral Bells
- Bloodroot
- Bloodroot, Canada Bloodroot
- Bloody Cranesbill
- Bloody Cranesbill or Bloody Geranium
- Blue African Lily, Blue Nile Lily, Agapnathus
- Blue Angel Hosta, Blue Angel Plantain Lily
- Blue Arrow Hosta
- Blue Autumn Aster
- Blue Beauty Liverwort
- Blue Boy Hosta
- Blue Cerus
- Blue Chalk Sticks, Blue Finger, Blue Stick Succulent
- Blue Chalksticks
- Blue Clips Campanula
- Blue Cohosh
- Blue Danube Stokes' Aster
- Blue Dimples Hosta
- Blue Double Flowered Meadow Cranesbill or Geranium
- Blue Elf Aloe, California Aloe, Blue Boy
- Blue Emerald Creeping Phlox, Blue Emerald Moss Phlox
- Blue Fescue
- Blue Fescue
- Blue Globe Onion or Blue Ornamental Onion
- Blue Globe Thistle
- Blue Glow Fescue
- Blue Goose Leaf
- Blue Grassy Bells
- Blue Heron Fringed Tulip
- Blue Ivory Hosta
- Blue Jay Hosta
- Blue Little Bluestem
- Blue Moon Hosta
- Blue Moor Grass
- Blue Mountain Mint
- Blue Mouse Ears Hosta
- Blue Oat Grass
- Blue Plate Special Hosta
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- Blue Rose Echeveria, Hens and Chicks
- Blue Sage, Florida Blue Sage
- Blue Sheep Fescue
- Blue Star
- Blue Sunrise Cranesbill
- Blue Umbrellas Hosta
- Blue Wedgewood Hosta
- Blue White Baneberry
- Blue Wild Indigo or Blue False Indigo
- Blue-eyed Grass
- Blue-stemed Goldenrod or Wreath Goldenrod
- Blueberry Muffin
- Blueberry Waffles Hosta
- Blushing Bride Hydrangea
- Blushing Turtle Cranesbill
- Bolivian Sunset Hardy Gloxinia
- Bombay Mullein
- Bonavist, Dolichos bean, Egyptian bean, Hyacinth bean, Lubia bean, Seim bean, Indian bean
- Bonnie Lassies™ Isabella Violet
- Boohlve Ginger
- Boojum Tree
- Boothman's Variety Primrose
- Borisii Avens
- Bossa Nova Cup Bromeliad, Bromeliad Bossa Nova Bromeliad
- Boutonnierre Daylily
- Bowles' Purple Wood Anemone, Windflower or Thimbleweed
- Bowman's Root
- Bowstring Hemp, Snake Plant
- Bowstring Hemp, Snake Plant
- Boysenberry Taffy Penstemon
- Bracken or Bracken Fern
- Braken
- Branched Plantain
- Braun's holly fern
- Brautschieier Astilbe
- Brazilian canna
- Brazilian Plume, Flamingo Flower, Jacobinia, Pine-Bur Begonia
- Bredasdorp Gasteria, Keeled Gasteria
- Breeze Dwarf Mat Rush, Breeze Longleaf Mat Rush.
- Bressingham Blue
- Bressingham Ruby Elephant's Ears
- Bressingham White Elephant's Ears
- Bridal Bouquet Tulip
- Bright Eyes Garden Phlox
- Bright Melody Tall Bearded Iris
- Bright Star Eastern Coneflower
- Bright Star, Beijing Grass.
- Brilliancy Daffodil
- Brilliant ice plant
- Bristol Cross Oregano
- British Gamble Narcissus
- British Sterling Lungwort
- Britt-Marie Crawford Ragwort
- Britton's Beargrass
- Broadleaf Stonecrop
- Broadleaf Stonecrop, Spoon-leaved Stonecrop
- Broadleaf Stonecrop, Spoon-leaved Stonecrop
- Brocaded Gown Daylily
- Bronco Hens and Chicks, Bronco House Leeks
- Bronze Baby New Zealand Flax
- Bronze Fennel, Purple Leaf Fennel
- Bronze New Zealand Burr
- Bronze Peacock Rodgersia
- Bronze Sedge, Bronze New Zealand Hair Sedge or Bronze New England Hair Sedge
- Broom Bush (Arabic: Markh, Ma'aleet)
- Brother Ronald Hosta
- Brown Lasso Bearded Iris
- Brown Spine Prickleypear
- Brunette Bugbane, Brunette Baneberry, Brunette Snakeroot
- Brunnera-Heartleaf or Siberian bugloss
- Buckeye Belle Peony
- Buckhorn Cholla
- Buckwheat Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris
- Buddha Belly Plant, Buddha Belly, Bottleplant Shrub, Bottle Euphorbia, Purgingnut, Gout Plant, Gout Stick, Purging Nut, Guatemalan Rhubarb, Guatemala Rhubarb, White Rhubarb, Goutystalk Nettlespurge, Tartogo
- Bugleweed
- Buglosse Crepue
- Bumblebee Deelite Miniature Bearded Iris
- Bunny Ears Pricklypear
- Bupleuro delle Madonie
- Bupleuro di Marettimo
- Burgundy Lace Painted Fern
- Burle Marx Begonia,
- Burmese Blue Banana, Yunnan Banana
- Burnet
- Burnet, Japanese White Burnet, White Oriental Burnet
- Burning Hearts False Sunflower
- Bursa Snowdrop
- Burser's Saxifrage
- Bush Groundsel, Eastern baccharis, High Tide Bush, Sea Myrtle, Salt Bush
- Bush Pentas, Panama Rose, Rondeletia
- Butter and Eggs Daffodil
- Butter and Sugar Siberian iris
- Butter Curl Daylily
- Butterbur
- Butterfly Bush
- Butterfly Weed
- Button Fern
C ↑ back to top
- Cactus
- Calamondin Orange, Panama Orange
- Calypso Hosta
- Cameliard Larkspur
- Campernelle Jonquil
- Camphor Spur Flower, Mentholatum Plant, Vick's Plant
- Canada Anemone
- Canada Goldenrod
- Canada Wild Ginger, Canadian Snakeroot
- Canadian Bunchberry
- Canary Island Cranesbill
- Canary Island Daisy
- Canary Island Foxglove
- Canary Spurge, Honey-scented Spurge
- Candelabra Cactus, Leafless Spurge, Milk Hedge
- Candelabra Plant
- Candelabra Primrose, Glory of the Bog, Glory of the Marsh
- Candelabra Primula
- Candelabra Primula
- Candelilla or Little Candle
- Candle Plant or Hot-Dog Cactus
- Candy Cane Bamboo
- Candy Cane Bamboo
- Candy Cane Tulip
- Candy Lily
- Candy Pinks Group Primrose
- Candytuft
- Cane Cactus
- Cane Cholla
- Cantab Netted Iris
- Cantique Daylily
- Canton Copper Daylily
- Cape Reed, Cape Rush, Thatching Reed, Cape Thatching Reed
- Cappuccino Coral Bells
- Caradonna Violet Sage
- Caramel Coral Bells
- Caramia Sage, Caramia Salvia
- Cardinal Flower
- Cardoon, Artichoke Thistle
- Cardwell Yellow Hosta
- Caribbean Agave, Variegated Caribbean Agave, Narrow Century Plant.
- Carleton Daffodil
- Carlton Daffodil
- Carnation
- Carnation
- Carpet Bugle, Bugleweed
- Carpetweed
- Carrion Flower
- Casey's Larkspur
- Cassava
- Cast Iron Plant
- Cast-Iron Plant, Bar Room Plant, Common Aspidistra, Iron Plant, Aspidistra
- Castor Bean Plant
- Cat's Meow Catmint
- Cat's tail, Bullrush, Nailrod
- Catbells
- Cathedral Windows Hosta
- Catlin's Giant Bugleweed
- Catlin's Giant Bugleweed; Catlin's Giant Carpet Bugleweed
- Catmint
- Catmint
- Celandine Poppy
- Celmisia
- Center of Attention Hosta
- Centipede Plant, Tapeworm Plant, Ribbonbush.
- Centranthe à Trois Nervures
- Century Plant
- Chaco, Triangle Cactus, Dildoe Cactus, Barbed-wire Cactus
- Chandelier Tree, Showy Medinilla
- Chartreuse Group Primrose
- Chatham Island forget-me-not
- Cheddar Cheese Peony
- Cheddar Pink, Cliff Pink, Clove Pink, Mountain Pink, Sweet Pink
- Cheddar Pinks
- Chelsea Morning Geranium
- Cherry Cheesecake Mallow
- Cherry Cola Coral Bells
- Cherry Fountains Tomato
- Cherry Prinsepia
- Cherry Tart Barrenwort, Cherry Tart Bishop's Hat
- Cheyenne Spirit Coneflower
- Chicago Hyacinth
- Chicago™ Bold Coast Daylily
- Chicago™ Royal Crown Daylily
- Chickee Miniature Bearded Iris
- Chicory
- Chief Justice Peony
- Chilean Glory Flower, Glory Vine
- Chilean Hard Fern, Chile Blechnum
- Chilean iris
- Chilean Rhubarb
- Chiloquin Narcissus
- Chinese Aloe, Red Aloe
- Chinese Astilbe
- Chinese Butterfly Bush, Pale Butterfly Bush
- Chinese Chives
- Chinese Fan Palm, Fountain Palm, Serdang, Chinese Fountain Palm
- Chinese Peony
- Chinese Plumbago, Hardy Plumbago
- Chinese Rain Bells, Temple Bells
- Chinese Silver Grass
- Chinese Silver Grass, Maiden Grass, Eulalia
- Chinese Squill, Japanese Jacinth
- Chinook Sunshine™ Rose
- Chives
- Chocolate Flower
- Cholla Gum, Jumping Cholla
- Choya
- Christa Alumroot
- Christmas Fern
- Christmas Tree Hosta
- Chromacolor Long-cupped Narcissus, Chromacolor Large-cupped Daffodil
- Chuparosa
- Churee
- Cimarron™ Circle Daylily
- Cimarron™ Knight Daylily
- Claire de Lune Peony
- Clary Sage
- Clematis
- Cleopatra Foxtail Lily
- Climax Hosta
- Cloud Walker Stonecrop, Cloud Walker Sedum
- Clove Pink or Carnation
- Clown's Collar Hosta
- Coast Banksia
- Coastal Cholla
- Cobra Jack
- Cobra Lily
- Cochineal Pricklypear
- Cockle Shell Ivy
- Cocktail™ Sea Breeze Avens or Geum
- Coco Coral Bells
- Coconut Custard Hosta
- Colchian Barrenwort
- Colewort
- Color Rush™ Pink Petunia
- Color Spires® Crystal Blue Perennial Salvia
- Columbine, 耧斗菜 Lou Dou Cai (Chinese)
- Columbine, Akaly, Canada Columbine
- Comfrey
- Comfrey, Large Flowered Comfrey
- Common Bamboo
- Common Bear's Breech
- Common Bistort
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C ↑ back to top
- Common Blanketflower and Common Gaillardia
- Common Blue Violet
- Common Camassia
- Common Dandelion, Blowball
- Common Dog-Violet
- Common Donax, Bemban, Bamban Ai, Bamban Batu
- Common Fragile Fern or Brittle Bladderfern
- Common Gentian
- Common Grape Hyacinth
- Common Hollyhock, 蜀葵 shu kui (Chinese)
- Common Hyacinth, Garden or Dutch Hyacinth
- Common Lungwort, Jerusalem Sage
- Common Periwinkle
- Common Prickly Pear Cactus
- Common Rockrose
- Common Snowdrop
- Common Tansy or Golden Buttons
- Common Trillium, Giant or Sessile Trillium
- Common Valerian
- Common Valerian, Garden Heliotrope
- Common Water Hyacinth
- Compact Barrel Cactus, Golden Barrel Cactus
- Concord Grape Spider-Lily, Concord Grape Spiderwort
- Condilla Daylily
- Cone Head Thyme
- Coontie
- Coontie, Florida Arrowroot
- Copper Elf Aster
- Copper Kettle Peony
- Copper Spoons, Cinnamon Bear, Leather Plant, Shoe Leather Kalanchoe
- Cora Louise Itoh Peony
- Coral Bells
- Coral Bells, Alumroot
- Coral Bells, Alumroot
- Coral Charm Peony
- Coral N' Gold Peony
- Corn Leaf Iris, Juno Iris
- Corn Muffin Hosta
- Corn Plant, Cornstalk Dracaena, Happy Plant, False Palm
- Cornflower
- Corsican Hellebore
- Corsican Hellebore
- Corydalis
- Corydalis, Fumewort
- Cosmopolitan Chinese Silver Grass, Cosmopolitan Maiden Grass, Cosmopolitan Eulalia
- Cotton Lavender, Gray Santolina
- Cottonthistle
- Country Borage
- Country Borage, French Thyme
- Cowichan Amethyst Group Primrose
- Cowichan Blue Group Primrose
- Cowichan Garnet Group Primrose
- Cowichan Venetian Group Primrose
- Cowslip
- Cowslip Orchid, Butter Orchid
- Cranapple Bearded Iris
- Cranesbill
- Cranesbill
- Cranesbill 'Biokovo'
- Cranesbills
- Cream-flowered Hume Roscoea
- Creeping Agrimony
- Creeping Bellflower
- Creeping Gloxinia
- Creeping Jenny, Moneywort, Herb Two-pence, Twopenny Grass
- Creeping Lamium
- Creeping Lamium or Spotted Deadnettle or Spotted Henbit
- Creeping Moss
- Creeping Oxeye
- Creeping Raspberry
- Creeping Snowberry
- Creeping Woodsorrel, Procumbent Yellow-sorrel and Sleeping Beauty
- Crème Brûlée Coral Bells
- Creme Chantilly Iris, Creme Chantilly Siberian Iris
- Crenate Buttercup
- Creosote Bush
- Crepe Ginger, Setawar Tawar, Spiral Flag, Cane Reed, Malay Ginger, Wild Ginger, Spiral Ginger, White Costus.
- Crepe Myrtle
- Crested Gentian
- Crested Golden Shield Fern, Crested Scaly Male Fern
- Cretan Brake Fern, Ribbon Fern, Table Fern
- Cricket Dance Daylily
- Cricket Daylily
- Crimson Californian Hyacinth
- Crimson Curls Coral Bells
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C ↑ back to top
- Crinkle Leaf Plant
- Crinum Lily, Swamp Lily
- Cristata Royal Fern
- Crocosmia
- Crocus Tulip
- Croftway Pink Bee Balm, Bergamot or Monarda
- Cross Gentian, Star Gentian
- Crown Imperial, Kaiser's Crown
- Crumb Cake Hosta
- Crystal Fan Dwarf Mondo Grass
- Crystal Ice Cape Primrose
- Cuckoo Flower
- Culalongkorn Rose
- Culver's Root, Blackroot, Bowman's Root
- Cup Plant, Carpenter’s Weed, Cup Rosin Weed
- Curled Plantain Lily
- Curly Fries Hosta
- Curry Plant
- Cushion Soapwort
- Cushion Spurge
- Cut-leaf Pasque Flower
- Cyclamineus Narcissus, Cyclamen Daffodil
- Cygnet Foamflower
- Cynthia Lady Tulip
- Cypress Hebe
- Cypress Spurge
- Cyprus-vetch
D ↑ back to top
- Daffodil
- Dahlem Soft Shield Fern
- Dahlia
- Dainty Ann Daylily
- Dalmatian Cranesbill
- Damson Daffodil
- Daring Deception Daylily
- Darjeeling Red Knotweed
- Dark Desire Fountain Grass
- Dark Ruby Daylily
- Dark Towers Beardtongue
- David Garden Phlox
- David Howard Dahlia
- Dawn Ansell English Primrose
- Dawn-to-Dusk Catmint
- Daydream Daffodil
- Daylily
- Dekko™ Dark Lavender Petunia
- Dekko™ Electric Rose Petunia
- Dekko™ Salmon Petunia
- Delibes Narcissus
- Delnashaugh Daffodil
- Deltoid-Leaved Dew Plant
- Denim 'n Lace Perovskia, Denim 'n Lace Russian Sage
- Dense Ginger Lily
- Desert Christmas Cactus
- Desert Christmas Cactus, Pencil Cholla, Tasajillo, Tesajo
- Desert Marigold
- Desert Ruellia
- Desert sweet, Fern bush
- Designer Gold Daylily
- Devil Cholla
- Devil's Bit Scabious
- Devil's Nettle, Common Yarrow
- Devil's Tobacco
- Devils Rope, Tree Cactus
- Devon Green Hosta
- Diamond Cholla
- Diamond Tiara Hosta
- Diascia
- Dieter Schacht Fumewort
- Divine Madness Daylilly
- Dixter Spurge
- Dolce® Blackberry Ice Coral Bells
- Doll's-Eyes, White Baneberry
- Dominic Daylily
- Donger Neoregelia
- Dorset Blue Hosta
- Double Decker Purple Coneflower
- Double Ellen Green Hellebore
- Double Fashion Narcissus, Double Fashion Daffodil
- Double Flowering Fernleaf Peony
- Double Flowering Snowdrop
- Double Glow Daylily
- Double Narcissus, Double Daffodil
- Double Narcissus, Double Daffodil
- Draba
- Draba
- Dracaena, Corn Plant, Chinese Money Tree, Cornstalk Dracaena, Happy Plant
- Dragon Tree, Madagascar dragon tree
- Dragon Tree, Tri-colour Dragon Tree
- Dragon Wings Ragwort
- Dreaming Yellow Siberian Iris
- Dropwart, Fern-leaf Dropwort
- Drumstick Primula
- Dublin Elaine Daylily
- Duby
- Dusky Cranesbill
- Dust Devil Hosta
- Dusty Miller
- Dusty Miller, Beach Sage, Beach Wormwood
- Dusty Miller, Native Wormwood, White Sage, Louisiana Sagewort
- Dutchman’s Pipe, Pipevine
- Dutchmaster Daffodil
- Dwarf Aeonium
- Dwarf Aloe, Baker Aloe
- Dwarf Ballon Flower, Dwarf Japanese Bellflower
- Dwarf Balloon Flower
- Dwarf Goat's Beard
- Dwarf Goat's Beard
- Dwarf Hardy Gloxinia
- Dwarf Haworthia
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Hosta
- Dwarf Iris
- Dwarf Iris
- Dwarf Japanese Fleeceflower
- Dwarf Kangaroo Paw
- Dwarf Lilyturf, Mondo Grass, Fountain Plant, Monkey Grass
- Dwarf Mondo Grass
- Dwarf or Oval-leaf Milkweed
- Dwarf Pampas Grass
- Dwarf Plumbago, Blue Leadwood, Leadwort
- Dwarf Puya
- Dwarf Sansevieria,
- Dwarf Sugar Palm, Formosa Palm, Taiwan Arenga Palm, Taiwan Sugar Palm
E ↑ back to top
- E.K. Toogood Bellflower
- Earl of Essex Iris
- Early Bergenia, Siberian Tea
- Early Crocus, Tommasini's Crocus, Snow Crocus
- Early Giant Grape Hyacinth
- Early Meadow Rue
- Earlybird Cardinal Daylily
- Eastern Purple Coneflower, Echinacea, Snakeroot
- Eggplant
- El Dorado Feather Reed Grass
- El Niño Hosta
- Elecampane
- Elegant Candy Daylily
- Elegant Hosta
- Elephant Toothpick, Snake Plant
- Elephant’s Ears, Elephant Ears
- Elfin Thyme
- Ellen Cowley Peony
- Ellen Hosta
- Elsie's Gold Stonecrop or Sedum
- Elvis Lives Hosta
- Emerald Holiday Chinese Evergreen
- Emerald Holiday Chinese Evergreen
- Emory Paul Dahlia
- Emperor Iris
- Emperor Narcissus
- Empress Wu Hosta
- Encrusted Saxifrage or White Mountain saxifrage
- Encrusted Saxifrage or White Mountain saxifrage
- Encrusted Saxifrage or White Mountain Saxifrgae
- Endres Cranesbill
- Engelmann's Hedgehog Cactus
- Engelmann's Prickly Pear
- English bluebells, Common bluebell.
- English Lavender
- Enterprise Hosta
- Entire-leafed Astilbe
- Epimedium
- Epimedium
- Eric Smith Elephant's Ears, Eric Smith Bergenia
- Erirrhiza Siberian Iris
- Erodium
- Ethiopian Banana
- Eulalia 'Malepartus'
- European Wild Ginger
- European Yellow Lupine
- Eva Cullum Garden Phlox
- Evans Imperial Philodendron, Evans Split-leaf Philodendron, Evans Heartleaf Philodendron
- Eveline Garden Sage
- Evercolor® Everillo
- Evergreen Giant Lily Turf.
- Evergreen Magnolia Victoria
- Evergreen Maidenhair Fern
- Everlasting Pea
- Excalibur Lungwort
- Eyebright Dwarf Bearded Iris
F ↑ back to top
- Fairly Hyacinth
- Fairy Bells
- Fairy Blush Camellia.
- Fairy Wand Camellia.
- Fairy Washboard
- Falsa Sanicola
- False African Violet, Cape Primrose
- False Autumn Crocus, Showy Colchicum
- False Beech Drops, Yellow Bird's Nest, Pinesap
- False Goldenaster
- False Iberian Cyclamen
- False Indigo
- False Rockcress, Aubrieta
- False Salvia, Pakaha, Baja Pitcher Sage, Pitcher Plant and Island Pitcher Sage.
- False Sisal
- False Solomon's Seal
- False Solomon's Seal, False Spikenard
- False Solomon's Seal, False Spikenard
- False Sunflower
- Fantabulous Hosta
- Fantasy Island Hosta
- Farfugium
- Farfugium, Giant Leopard Plant 'Gigantea'
- Fascination Hosta
- Feather Cactus
- Feather Reed Grass
- Feather Reed Grass
- Feathertop
- Feltbush, Velvetleaf, Velvet Elephant Ear
- Fennel
- Fennel-Leaved Peony
- Fens Ruby Cypress Spurge
- Fenwicks Variety Japanese Spider Lily
- Fern begonia, Fern-leaved begonia
- Fernleaf Yarrow
- Fernwood Snake Plant
- Field Gladiolus or Common Sword-Lily.
- Filigree daisy
- Final Summation Hosta
- Fingerleaf Rodgersia, Rodgers Flower
- Fiordaliso di Capraia
- Fiorrancia Marittimo, Sea Marigold
- Fire and Ice Hosta
- Fire Cheif Coral Bells
- Fire Island Hosta
- Fire Opal Peony
- Firebrand Narcissus
- Firecracker Penstemon
- Firecracker Plant, Firecracker Flower
- Firefly Group Primrose
- Fireweed or Great Willow-herb
- Firewheel Tree
- First Frost Hosta
- First Snow Aster
- Fishhook Barrel Cactus
- Flame African Daisy
- Flat Sea-Holly
- Flat-top Goldentop
- Flat-topped White Aster
- Flax Lily or Turutu
- Fleece Flower-Japanese
- Fleeceflower, Smartweed
- Fleshy Stalked Pelargonium
- Flight of Butterflies Iris
- Florida Lady's Nightcap, Florida Bonamia
- Florida Swamp Fly, Southern Swamp Fly, Spider Lily
- Flower Record Spring Crocus
- Flowering Persian Onion, Dutch Garlic
- Flowery Senna
- Flutterby Grande™ Peach Cobbler Butterfly Bush
- Flutterby Grande™ Vanilla Buddleja
- Foam Flower
- Foam Flower
- Fokienia
- Forest Blue Chinese Plumbago
- Forever® Purple Coral Bells
- Formosa Lily
- Forsyth Ballerina Daylily
- Fortune Daffodil
- Fortune Saxifrage
- Forza Red Lily
- Fountain Grass
- Four-O'Clock's
- Fox's Grape Fritillary
- Foxglove, Common Foxglove, Purple Foxglove, Lady's Glove
- Foxtail Cactus
- Foxtail Lily
- Fragrant Bouquet Hosta
- Fragrant Hosta, Fragrant Plantain Lily
- Francee Hosta
- Frances Williams Hosta
- Francisca Polyantha Primrose
- Franklin Roosevelt Croton
- Franz Schubert Garden Phlox
- Freddie Gazania
- French Lavender
- French Porcelain Daylily
- Fresh Hosta
- Fridiga Gentian
- Frilly Dilly Viola
- Fringecup
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F ↑ back to top
- Fritillary, Pointed-Petal Fritillary
- Frost Giant Hosta
- Frosted Jade Hosta
- Frosted Mouse Ears Hosta
- Frosted Violet Coral Bells
- Frosty Feathers Clover, Frosty Feathers Trefoil
- Frosty Morn Stonecrop
- Fuchsia
- Fuji Blue Balloon Flower, Fuji Blue Japanese Bellflower
- Fuji White Ballon Flower, Fuji White Japanese Bellflower
- Fulda Embers Two Row Stonecrop
- Fumewort
- Futura Snake Plant, Snake plant, Mother-in-law’s Tongue, Viper’s Bowstring Hemp
G ↑ back to top
- Galaxy Hosta
- Garden Fernleaf Lavender
- Garden Peony
- Garden Phlox
- Garden Sage or Common Sage
- Garlic Chives or Chinese Chives
- Gas Plant
- Gas Plant
- Gay Cravat Daylily
- Gentian
- George Baker Fumewort, George Baker Corydalis
- George Davidson Crocosmia
- George Iris
- Georgia Peach Coral Bells
- Georgia Sweetheart Hosta
- Geranium
- Geranium Gravetye
- German Garlic, Circle Onion
- German garlic, Circle Onion
- German Iris, Bearded Iris
- German Pink
- Germander
- Ghost Painted Fern
- Giant Adderhead, Giant Taginaste, Giant White Bugloss
- Giant Autumn Crocus, Naked Ladies
- Giant Cane
- Giant Chinese Silver Grass, Giant Maiden Grass, Giant Eulalia
- Giant Coneflower
- Giant Fern, Mule's-foot Fern, Dermarm (Palau), Madagascar Tree Fern
- Giant Hesperaloe
- Giant Hogweed
- Giant Ironweed
- Giant Japanese Butterbur
- Giant Leather Fern, Inland Leather Fern, Giant Fern
- Giant Meadowsweet
- Giant Orchid, Tiger Orchid, Sugar Cane Orchid or Queen of the Orchids
- Giant Pineapple Lily, Giant Pineapple Flower
- Giant Rhubarb
- Giant Rhubarb, Gunnera
- Giant Sea Holly
- Giant Spider Lily
- Giant Spider Lily
- Giant Squill
- Giant Taro, Giant Elephant Ear, Upright Elephant Ear.
- Gilt Edge Giant Miscanthus or Maiden Gradd
- Ginger Peach Coral Bells
- Ginko Craig Hosta
- Ginsu Knife Hosta
- Gipsy Queen Hyacinth
- Gladiolus
- Glady's Perry Daylily
- Glauca Globe Artichoke
- Globe Artichoke
- Globe Artichoke
- Globe Flower
- Globemallow
- Globemaster Ornamental Onion
- Glory Bush
- Glory Bush, Dwarf Princess Flower
- Glory Bush, Silver Leafed Princess Flower
- Glory Flower
- Glory Hosta
- Glory of the Snow
- Glory of the Snow
- Goat's Beard
- Gold Bar Eulalia, Gold Bar Miscanthus
- Gold Basket
- Gold Coin Hosta
- Gold Collection® Hellebore, Lenten Rose
- Gold Drop
- Gold Dust Croton, Gold Dust Garden Croton
- Gold Pandanus, Gold Screw-Pine, Variegated Dwarf Pandanus
- Gold Standard Hosta
- Gold Standard Hosta
- Gold Stripe Flax Lily, Gold Stripe Tasmania Flax Lily
- Gold-margin Hosta
- Gold-variegated Sweet Iris, Zebra Iris
- Golden Baby Goldenrod
- Golden Barrel Cactus, Golden Ball, Mother-in-Law's Cushion
- Golden Bells Daffodil or Miniature Daffodil
- Golden Chinese Timber Bamboo
- Golden Columbine
- Golden Echo Daffodil
- Golden Fleece Goldenrod
- Golden Fragrance Grape Hyacinth
- Golden Germander
- Golden Japanese forest grass
- Golden Jubilee
- Golden Leopard Toad Lily
- Golden Oats
- Golden Poppy, California Poppy
- Golden Pothos
- Golden Queen Trollius
- Golden rain Trumpet Daffodil
- Golden Rat Tail Cactus
- Golden Records Grape Hyacinth
- Golden Saxifrage
- Golden Scotch Moss
- Golden Seal
- Golden Shield Fern, Scaly Male Fern
- Golden Stargazer Lily
- Golden Tiara Hosta
- Golden Torch Cereus, Torch Cactus, White Torch Cactus
- Golden Vygie, Gouevygie (Afr.)
- Golden Yellow Crocus
- Golden Zebra Coral Bells
- Goldheart English ivy
- Goldmoss Stonecrop
- Goldstrum Black-eyed Susan
- Gooseneck Loosestrife
- Grace Ward Lithodore
- Graceful Spurge
- Gracillimus Chinese Silver Grass, Gracillimus Maiden Grass, Gracillimus Eulalia
- Grand Canyon Group Primrose
- Grape Hyacinth
- Grape Hyacinth
- Grape Leaf Begonia
- Grape Velvet Daylily
- Gravity Giant Summer Snowflake
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G ↑ back to top
- Great Blue Lobelia
- Great Burnet
- Great Camas
- Great Desert Spoon, Green Sotol
- Great Masterwort
- Great Solomon's-seal, Smooth Solomon's-seal , Solomon's-seal.
- Great White Trillium, Wood Lilly
- Great-flowered fumewort
- Greater Butterfly Orchid
- Greater Celandine
- Greater Celandine
- Greater Periwinkle
- Greater Snowdrop
- Greater Wood Rush
- Greater Woodrush
- Grecian Windflower
- Greek Horehound
- Greek Horehound
- Greek Horehound
- Green and Gold
- Green Frost Trillium
- Green Lavender Cotton
- Green Pinwheel
- Green Santolina
- Green Strawberry Hedgehog
- Grenadin Black King Carnation
- Grenadin™ Pink Carnation
- Grey Cottonheads
- Grey Scaevola
- Grey Sedge, Cicao
- Grey-leaved Euyops
- Grosse Fontäne Chinese Silver Grass, Grosse Fontäne Maiden Grass, Grosse Fontäne Eulalia
- Ground-Elder, Bishop's Weed
- Guacamole Hosta
- Guizo Hemerocallis
- Gypsy Dancer Coral Bells
- Gypsy Woman Iris
H ↑ back to top
- Hacquetia
- Hadspen Blood Masterwort
- Hadspen Blue Hosta
- Hadspen Heron Hosta
- Hadspen Samphire Hosta
- Hairy Alumroot
- Hairy Bears Breeches
- Hairy Bittercress
- Hairy Braya
- Hairy Houseleek
- Hakon White Balloon Flower, Hakon White Japanese Bellflower
- Halcyon Hosta
- Hameln Fountain Grass
- Han Ire Crinum Lily
- Hanging Lobster Claw, False Bird of Paradise,
- Hanky Panky Hosta
- Happiness Hosta
- Happy Returns Daylily
- Harbour Lights Mixture Primrose
- Hard Fern, Deer Fern
- Hardy Begonia
- Hardy Begonia, Beefsteak Plant
- Hardy Cyclamen, Ivy-leaved Cyclamen
- Hardy Ginger
- Hardy Grape Leaf Anemone
- Hardy Primrose
- Harebell
- Harmony Netted Iris
- Harriette Ward Hosta
- Hart's Tongue Fern 'Kaye's Lacerated'
- Hart's-tongue Fern
- Hartlage Wine Carolina Allspice or Sweetshrub
- Haru-No-Akebono Peony
- Haworth
- Haworthia
- Hay-scented Fern, Lace Fern, Rigid Lace Fern.
- Heartleaf Globe Daisy
- Hedge Bedstraw
- Hedge Cactus, Peruvian Apple Cactus, Blue Cereus
- Hedge Woundwort, Whitespot
- Hedgehog Plant, Blue Hedgehog Plant
- Helbro Sneezeweed
- Helen Matthews Peony
- Helen McCaughey Tall Bearded Iris
- Helen Von Stein Lamb's Ear
- Hellebore
- Hellebore
- Hellebore
- Hellebore, Oriental Hellebore or Lenten Rose
- Hello Yellow Leopard Lily
- Hen & Chicks
- Hen and Chicks, Houseleek
- Hennie Graafland Astilbe
- Henon Bamboo
- Henry Eilers Sweet Coneflower
- Hens and Chickens
- Hepatica, Roundleaf Liverleaf
- Herbert Phlox
- Herbich
- Heritage Peony
- Heron Daylily
- Heronsbill, Storksbill
- Herrenhausen Ornamental Oregano
- Heucherella
- Hewitt's Double Meadow Rue
- Hi Ho Silver Hosta
- Hidecote Pink Penstemon
- Hideout Hosta
- High-climbing Joint Fir
- Hill Everlasting
- Himalayan Crane's-bill
- Himalayan Meadow Primrose
- Himalayan Primrose
- Himalayan Weeping Bamboo
- Hoary Rosemary-Mint
- Hoe 'N' Hoe Cowslip
- Holly's Honey Hosta
- Holly-leaved Hellebore
- Hollyhock
- Honesty
- Honey Lily
- Honey Rose Heucherella
- Honorine Jobert Japanese Anemone
- Hooded Pitcher Plant
- Hooded-Leaf Pelargonium
- Hookedspur Violet
- Hoop-Petticoat Daffodil
- Hop Vine
- Hope Cut-leaf Philodendron, Hope Tree Philodendron
- Horse Balm, Richweed
- Horse's Teeth, Truncate Haworthia
- Horseradish, Red Cole
- Horsetail Restio, Broom Reed
- Hosta
- Hosta
- Hosta kikutii
- Hosta Wheee
- Hot Air Balloon Hosta
- Hot Lips Turtlehead
- Hot Papaya Coneflower
- Houndstongue
- House Leeks or Hens and Chicks
- House Leeks, Hens and Chicks
- Houseleek
- Houseleek, Hen and Chicks
- Hu Zhang
- Hume roscoea
- Hummelo Lousewort
- Humming Bird Mint
- Hunangamoho Grass, Plumed Tussock Grass
- Huron Star Chinese Silver Grass, Huron Star Maiden Grass, Huron Star Eulalia
- Huron Sunrise Chinese Silver Grass, Huron Sunrise Maiden Grass, Huron Sunrise Eulalia
- Huskers Red Beardtongue
- Hyacinth Yellow Queen
- Hybrid Anemone
- Hybrid Crocus
- Hybrid Ice Plant
- Hybrid Lenten Rose
- Hydrangea 'Preziosa'
I ↑ back to top
- Ice Breaker Fancy Lenten Rose
- Ice Follies Daffodil
- Ice Plant
- Icterina Common Sage
- Illini Warrior Peony
- Illumination Periwinkle, Illumination Myrtle
- Immortality Iris
- Inch Worm, Inchworm Plant, Tapeworm Plant
- Indian Himalayas
- Indian Strawberry
- Indian Summer Peruvian Lily
- Indoor Corn Plant, Massangeana Corn Plant
- Innocence Mock Orange
- Inquinans Geranium
- Inula
- Invincible Hosta
- Irene Copeland Daffodil
- Iridescent Bells Bellflower
- Iris
- Iris, Grass-Leaved Iris
- Irish Rose Daffodil
- Irish Spleenwort
- Iron Butterfly Iron Weed
- Iso-no-nami Iris
- Italian Arum, Large Cuckoo Pints
- Ivory Coast Daylily
- Ivy Peperomia, Ivy Leaf Pepper, Platinum Pepper, Silver Leaf Peperomia
- Ivy-leaved Geranium, Ivy Geranium
J ↑ back to top
- Jabulani Hosta
- Jack Frost Heartleaf Brunnera, Jack Frost Siberian Bugloss
- Jack Snipe Narcissus
- Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Bog Onion, Brown Dragon
- Jacob's Ladder
- Jacob's Ladder or Greek Valerian
- Jacobinia, Shrimp Plant, Justicia, Brazilian Plume
- Janet Hosta
- Japanese Anemone
- Japanese Anemone
- Japanese Anemone 'Hadspen Abundance'
- Japanese Anemone or Windflower
- Japanese Banana
- Japanese Chloranthus
- Japanese Forest Grass
- Japanese Forest Grass
- Japanese Gentian
- Japanese Holly Fern
- Japanese Holly Fern, Fishtail Fern, Holly Fern, House Holly Fern, Japanese Netvein Hollyfern, Asian Net-Vein Holly Fern
- Japanese Knotweed
- Japanese Painted Fern
- Japanese Primrose
- Japanese Spider Lily, Cape Flower, Bowden Cornish Lily
- Japanese Spurge
- Japanese Tassel Fern
- Japanese Toad Lily
- Jaramago de Alboran
- Java White Copper Plant, Java White Fire-Dragon, Java White Jacob's Coat, Java White Copperleaf
- Jedi Pitcher Plant
- Jenny Chinese Gooseberry, Jenny Kiwi
- Jerusalem Sage
- Jetfire Cyclamineus Narcissus, Jetfire Cyclamen Daffodil
- Joan Senior Daylily
- Joe-Pye Weed
- John Coutts Cornflower
- Jolyene Nichole Daylily
- Jonquilla Narcissus, Apodanthus Daffodil
- Julia Neoregelia, Julia Cup Bromeliad
- Jumping Cholla
- June Hosta
- Jungle Beauty Carpet Bugle
- Jungle Gold
- Juno Iris
- Justice Hosta
- Juthatip Soper Sarracenia, Juthatip Soper Pitcher Plant
K ↑ back to top
- Kamchatka Rhododendron
- Kang Ding Cui Que Hua, (Chinese)
- Kangaroo Paw
- Kangaroo's Foot Plant, Red-and-Green Kangaroo Paw
- Karl Foerster Calamagrostis
- Karma Choc Dahlia
- Karoo Cycad
- Kashmir Gentian
- Kath Dryden Garden Auricula
- Katharine Hodgkin Netted Iris
- Katherine Adele Geranium
- Kenilworth Ivy
- Kent Beauty Ornamental Oregano, Kent Beauty Marjoram
- Kevock Surprise Primrose
- Kindly Light Daylily
- King Alfred Daffodil
- King of Hearts Bleeding Heart
- King's Ransom Peony
- King's Spear, Jacob's Rod
- Kingcup Cactus
- Kingcup, Marsh Marigold
- Kingfisher Daisy, Blue Daisy, Blue Marguerite
- Kinkaku Hosta
- Kinlough Beauty Primrose
- Kisses and Wishes sage
- Kiwi Aeonium
- Klein Cholla
- Knap Hill Scarlet Japanese Quince
- Knautia
- Knockout Dahlia
- Knotgrass
- Knotweed
- Kobold Blazing Star, Button Snakewort, Dense Blazing Star, Kansas Gay Feather
- Kobold Original Blazing Star
- Kohimoor
- Korean Bellflower
- Korean Rock Fern
- Kosa-poljanskii Rock Jasmine
- Krantz Aloe, Candelabra Aloe
- Krossa Regal Hosta
- Kugelblitz Sticky Catchfly
- Kythrean Sage
L ↑ back to top
- Lace Cactus, Hedgehog Cactus
- Lady Fern
- Lady Finger Cactus
- Lady Fingers Cactus
- Lady in Black Aster
- Lady in Red™ Northern Lady Fern
- Lady of the Night Cactus, Queen of the Night, Blue Cereus, Six-angled Torch Thistle.
- Lady Tulip
- Lady's Bedstraw or Yellow Bedstraw
- Lady's Bedstraw, Yellow Bedstraw
- Lady's Mantle
- Lady's Mantle
- Ladyfinger Cactus
- Lagodekhi Crested Gentian
- Lake Norman Spider Daylily
- Lakeside Baby Face Hosta
- Lakeside Beach Captain Hosta
- Lakeside Cha Cha Hosta
- Lakeside Dragonfly Hosta
- Lakeside Meter Maid Hosta
- Lakeside Shockwave Hosta
- Lamb's Tail
- Lambrook Gold Spurge
- Lambs' Ears
- Lance Dracaena
- Land of Cotton Daylily
- Langport Wren Bearded Iris
- Large Flowered Purple Crocus
- Large Mist Flower, Purple Torch, Blue Mist Flower
- Large-flowered Cinquefoil
- Large-flowered Evening-primrose
- Large-Flowered Rosemary
- Large-leaved Giant Reed
- Late Tulip
- Laura Secord Tall Bearded Iris
- Lava Lamp Coral Bells
- Lawyer's Tongue
- Leading Lady tickseed
- Leadwort, Chitrak, Plumbago, White leadwort
- Leatherleaf Sedge
- Leatherplant
- Lemon Frost Hosta
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Grass
- Lemon Lime Hosta
- Lemon Lime Periwinkle
- Lemon Lime Striped Dracaena, Lemon Lime Striped Corn Plant
- Lemon Spreader Prickly Pear
- Lemonjade Autumn Stonecrop
- Lenten Rose
- Leopard Leaf Cast Iron Plant
- Leopard Lilly, Panther Lilly
- Leopard Tree, Brazilian Ironwood
- Lesser Calamint
- Lesser Glory-of-the-Snow
l ↑ back to top
L ↑ back to top
- Letitia Mullein
- Libertia, New Zealand Iris, New Zealand Satin Flower
- Lil-Abner Hosta
- Lilac Wonder Canadian Tulip, Lilac Wonder Baker's Tulip
- Lilafee Bishop's Hat
- Lily
- Lily of the Incas, Peruvian Lily
- Lily of the Valley
- Lily of the Valley
- Lily of the Valley
- Lily Turf
- Lime Marmalade Coral Bells
- Lime Rickey Alumroot, Lime Ricky Coral Bells
- Lime Rickey Hosta
- Limelight Dracaena, Limelight Corn Plant
- Limestone Oak Fern, Scented Oak Fern
- Limestone Savory or Arkansas Mint
- Limestone Woundwort
- Lion King Japanese Iris
- Lion's Spoor
- Lion's Tail, Swan's Neck, Foxtail
- Lipstick Strawberry
- Lithodraba
- Little Bunny Fountain Grass
- Little Candles, Silver Candle Cactus
- Little Chamal
- Little Elf Poker Plant
- Little Leaf Licorice, Plant, Dwarf Curry Plant
- Little Miss Sunshine Hosta
- Little Prickly Pear
- Little Show Off Daylily
- Little Stiffy Hosta
- Little Sun Yellow Tomato
- Little Vision in Purple Astilbe
- Liverleaf
- Liverleaf or Liverwort
- Liverwort, Sharp-lobed hepatica, Heart Liver Leaf
- Lizard Lips Aloe
- Lizard Tail, Chameleon Plant, Heartleaf, Fishwort and Bishop's Weed
- Lizzy Tulip
- Lobster-Pot Pitcher Plant
- London Fog Hosta
- Long-cupped Narcissus, Large-cupped Daffodil
- Longpipes Hosta
- Longspurred Violet
- Longwood Hybrid Victoria Water Lily, Longwood Hybrid Amazon Water Lily
- Looking Glass Heartleaf Brunnera, Looking Glass Siberian Bugloss
- Looking Rosey Daylily
- Loosestrife
- Lord Baltimore Hibiscus
- Lotus Leaf Begonia, Lily Pad Begonia
- Louisa Hosta
- Love Pat Hosta
- Loyalist Hosta
- Lucifer Crocosmia, Lucifer Falling Stars
- Lucifer Daffodil
- Lunar Orbit Hosta
- Lunetiere de Rotges
- Lungwort
- Luseane Schefflera, Luseane Dwarf Umbrella Plant, Luseane Hawaiian Schefflera
- Lusty Lealand Daylily
- Lychnis cognata
- Lycoris
- Lynda Windsor Showy Stonecrop
M ↑ back to top
- Madagascar Periwinkle, Old Maid, Cayenne Jasmine, Rose Periwinkle
- Madwort
- Madwort
- Madwort
- Magenta african geranium
- Magic Dragon Rehmannia
- Magic Show® Enchanted Indigo Speedwell
- Magnificence Daffodil
- Mahogany Fern, Tree Maidenhair Fern
- Mairis Maidenhair Fern
- Majeste Lungwort or Majeste Pulmonaria
- Major crimson flag lily
- Malaysian Monarch Daylily
- Maori Queen Flax Lily, Maori Queen Phormium
- Mardi Gras Parade Daylily
- Mariesii Perfecta Hydrangea
- Mariska Daylily
- Maroon Beauty Saxifrga
- Marsh Mallow
- Marsh Pitcher
- Martagon Lily
- Mary Barnard Algerian Iris
- Mary Jo Hosta
- Mary Marie Ann
- Marylin Monroe Hosta
- Mason's Congo
- Maui Moonlight Bearded Iris
- Mauna Loa Daylily
- Mauna Loa Peace Lily, Peace Lily, White Sails, Spathe Flower
- Mauve Victorians Group Primrose
- Maxican Bush, Mexican bush sage
- May Apple, Umbrella Plant
- Maybelle Camas, Maybelle Greater Camas
- Mayflower Wood Cranesbill
- Meadow Cranesbill
- Meadow Hawkweed
- Meadow Rue
- Mediterranean Bells, Sicilian Honey Lily, Ornamental Onion
- Mediterranean Sea Holly
- Mediterranean Spurge
- Mediterranean Spurge
- Megatrend Daylily
- Merlot Coneflower
- Metal Snake Plant
- Metallic Japanese Painted Fern
- Mexican Cardon or Elephant Cactus
- Mexican Petunia
- Mexican Pincushion
- Mexican Primrose
- Mexican Tree Ocotillo
- Mezcalito
- Michael's Flower, Michailovskyi Fritillary
- Midnight Bayou Coral Bells
- Midnight Group Primrose
- Milk-Bush
- Millfield Gem Geranium
- Millie Schlumpf Daylily
- Mini Angel's Trumpet
- Mini Kenilworth Ivy
- Miniature Narcissus, Minature Daffodil
- Minnow Paperwhite Daffodil
- Minorcan Lavender Cotton
- Mint Julep Coral Bells
- Mint Julip Short-cupped Narcissus or Small-cupped Daffodil
- Minuteman Hosta
- Miss Willmott's Ghost
- Missenden Daylily
- Mississippi Delta Hosta
- Mistassinica Great Blue lobelia
- Mock Orange, Chinese Box, Common Jasmine-Orange, Honey Bush
- Mojave Kingcup Cactus
- Mojito Dianthus
- Mojo Lime Peace Lily
- Molly-the-Witch Peony, Golden Peony
- Monbret & Aucher
- Mondo Grass
- Monkshood
- Mont Rose anemone
- Monte Carlo Double Early Tulip
- Moon Cactus
- Moonlight Waves Iris
- Moonshine Lungwort
- Moonshine Yarrow
- Moonstruck Hosta
- Moore
- Moorish Cactus
- Mormon Tea, Brigham Tea, Long Leaf Ephedra, Mountain Joint Fir
- Morning Light Chinese Silver Grass, Morning Light Maiden Grass, Morning Light Eulalia
- Morning Light Hosta
- Morning Star Hosta
- Moroccan Sea Holly
- Moss Phlox
- Moss Phlox, Moss Pink, Mountain Phlox
- Mossy Soft-shield Fern
- Mother Queen Saxifrage
- Mother-in-law's Tongue
- Moudry Fountain Grass
- Mount Nachi Saxifrag
- Mountain Aloe, Flat Flowered Aloe.
- Mountain Aloe, Flat-flowered Aloe, Spiny Aloe.
- Mountain Flax, Wharakiki
- Mountain Houseleek, Anomalous Houseleek
- Mountain Mint
- Mountain Tops Iris
- Mourning Widow Geranium
- Mrs Hegarty Crimson Flag LIly
- Mrs J. Bradshaw Avens
- Mrs Kendall Clark Meadow Cranesbill
- Mugwort or Common Wormwood
- Mullein
- Munstead Lavandar
- Munz Cholla
- Musk-mallow
- Myrtle or Donkey Tail Spurge, Broad-Leaved Glaucous Spurge
- Mystic Illusion dahlia
- Mönch Aster, Frikart's Aster
N ↑ back to top
- Namaqua-beestong (Afr.)
- Nana Silvermound Artemisia, Nana Angels-Hair, Nana Wormwood
- Narrow-leaved Hosta or Lancifolia Hosta
- Narrow-leaved purple cone flower
- Narrowleaf Hawkweed
- Narrowleaf Lupine or Blue Lupine
- Natal Lily, Kaffir Lily, Bush Lily
- Native Primrose, English Primrose or Common Primrose
- Neal Berrey Daylily
- Needle Grass
- Nepal clematis, Old Man's Beard.
- Nepalese Blue Bamboo, Porcata Blue Bamboo
- Nepalese Lily
- Nettle-leaved Bellflower
- New England Aster
- New England Aster 'Purple Dome'
- New Hampshire Purple Geranium
- New Pinks Group Primrose
- New York Ironweed
- New Zealand Flax
- Niagara Falls Hosta
- Night Before Christmas Hosta
- Night Master Barrenwort
- Night-Blooming Cereus, Queen of the Night
- Nightingale Primrose
- Nimbus Cranesbill, Nimbus Geranium
- Nipple Fruit
- Nipplewort
- Nippon Daisy
- Nitida Campanula
- Niveum Snowy Barrenwort
- Nobby's Pink Orchid
- Nodding Onion, Lady's Leek
- Nodding Sage
- Nopal Serrano
- Nopal Tapon
- Nordic Night Daylily
- Northern Lights Lungwort
- Northern Maidenhair Fern, Five-Fingered Maidenhair Fern, American Maidenhair Fern
- Northern Sea Oats
- Northwood Ho Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris
- Nuragica Columbine
- Nymphe Peony
O ↑ back to top
- Oak Fern
- Obedient Plant
- Obovate Peony, cao shao yao (China)
- Obsidian Coral Bells
- Odyssey Hellebore, Odyssey Oriental Hellebore or Odyssey Lenten Rose
- Okefenoken Giant Pitcher Plant
- Old Father Live Forever, Hollyhock-Leaved Pelargonium
- Old Man Cactus, Bunny Cactus, Old Man of Mexico, White Persian Cat Cactus
- Old Man of the Andes
- Old-fashioned Bleedingheart
- Olive Branch Hosta
- Omomuki Daylily
- On Stage Hosta
- Onyx Odyssey Lenten Rose
- Opal lungwort
- Opium Poppy
- Orange Coneflower
- Orange Crest Globeflower
- Orange Daisy
- Orange Daylily or Common Daylily
- Orange Grove Wood Spurge
- Orange Man Coral Bells
- Orange Perfection Garden Phlox
- Orange Princess Globe Flower
- Orange Punch canna
- Orchid
- Orchid Cactus, Strap Cactus
- Oregano, Wild Marjoram, Pot Marjoram, English Marjoram
- Oriental Hellebore
- Oriental Poppy
- Oriental Skullcap
- Oriental Skullcap
- Orinoco Flow Bearded Iris
- Ornamental Fountain Grass
- Ornamental Onion
- Ornamental Oregano
- Orpine
- Osiered Amber Group Primrose
- Osiris Fantasie Leopard Plant
- Osiris Fantaisie Hosta
- Ostrich Fern, Shuttlecock Fern
- Othello Leopard Plant
- Our Lord's Candle, Spanish Bayonet
- Outrageous Daylily
- Oxlip
P ↑ back to top
- Pacific Bleeding Heart
- Padre's Shooting Star
- Pagoda Clematis
- Pagoda Dog’s-Tooth Violet or Trout Lily
- Pagoda Rodgersia
- Paintbrush, Blood Lily
- Painted Hellebore
- Painter's Palette Knotweed
- Palace Purple Coral Bells
- Pale Grass-lily
- Pale Yellow-eyed Grass
- Pallid Squill, Morris Squill
- Palm Sedge
- Pam's Choice Common Foxglove
- Pamina Japanese Anemone
- Pampas Grass
- Pancake Pear Cactus
- Panda Plant, Panda Bear Plant, Pussy Ears, Plush Plant
- Pandan, Screw-Pine, Pandanus
- Panicle Hydrangea 'Dvppinky'; Pinky Winky® Hydrangea
- Paniculate Restio, Calopsis, Restio
- Pannonic Gentian
- Paperwhite Daffodil, Bunch-flowered or Tazetta Narcissus
- Paradigm Hosta
- Paradise Joyce Hosta
- Paradise Sunshine Hosta
- Pardon Me Daylily
- Paris '90 Primrose
- Parish Cholla
- Parrot's Beak
- Parrot's Beak, Parakeet Flower, Parrot's Flower, Parrot's Plantain, False Bird-of-Paradise
- Parting Glances Iris
- Pasque Flower
- Passing Storm Begonia
- Passion Neoregelia
- Pastel Charm Dwarf Iris
- Patagonian Petunia
- Patriot Hosta
- Paul Bunyan Lily
- Paul Hermann Hyacinth
- Paul's Glory Hosta
- Paula Fay Peony
- Payson's Draba
- Peace Lily
- Peace Lily, Spath Lily
- Peach Crisp Coral Bells
- Peachie's Pick Stokesia
- Peardrops Tomato
- Pearl Drops Fairy Wings
- Pearl Lake Hosta
- Pebbled Tiger Jaws, Knobby Tiger Jaws, Shark's Jaws, Tiger Jaws
- Peebles Cholla
- Peek-a-Blue Russian Sage
- Peeping Tom Daffodil or Narcissus
- Pencil Cholla
- Pencil Sansevieria
- Pentas or Madder New Look® Pink
- Pentewan Daffodil
- Pentstemon
- Peppermint Geranium
- Perfect Lady Daffodil
- Persian Cornflower or Cornflower
- Persian Fritillary or Snake Lily.
- Persian Stonecress
- Persian Violet, Hardy Cyclamen, Eastern Sowbread
- Peruvian Blue Torch
- Peruvian Old Man Cactus, Peruvian Snowball Cactus, Cotton Ball Cactus
- Peruvian peppertree
- Pescadillo
- Petite Jenny Ragged Robin
- Pewterware Hosta
- Pheasant's Eye, False Hellebore, Ox Eye
- Pheasants Eye Narcissus
- Phenome Daylily
- Phlox
- Phlox Minnie Pearl
- Phyllis Fancy Salvia
- Picos Blue sea holly
- Picotee Strain Hellebore
- Piedmont Gold Hosta
- Pigsqueak, Bergenia
- Pigsqueak, Heart-leaf Bergenia
- Pine leaf Garden Pink
- Pineapple Flower
- Pineapple Lily
- Pineapple Sea Holly
- Pink Attraction Iris
- Pink Cloud Dianthus
- Pink Dragonfly Pig Squeak
- Pink Fairy Orchid
- Pink Fizz Coral Bells
- Pink Frills Avens
- Pink Giant Glory-of-the-Snow
- Pink Ice Primrose
- Pink Japanese Peony
- Pink Lipstick Coral Bells
- Pink Monday Daylily
- Pink Panther Phormium
- Pink Parasol Cone Flower
- Pink Pewter Spotted Deadnettle
- Pink Polka Dot Plant
- Pink Powderpuff
- Pink Rock Orchid
- Pink Speedwell
- Pink Strain Hellebore
- Pinks
- Pinot Noir Coral Bells
- Piper Species, Hoja Santa, Mexican Pepperleaf, Root Beer Plant, Eared pepper.
- Pipit Daffodil
- Pitcher Thistle, Dune Thistle
- Plains Pricklypear, Hairspine Cactus, Panhandle Pricklypear
- Plena Double Flowering Bloodroot, Plena Double Red Puccoon
- Plume or Hardy Pampas Grass
- Plume Poppy
- Plumosum Oak Fern, Plumosum Ruffled Oak Fern
- Poet's Daffodil
- Poison Hemlock
- Poker Hosta
- Pole-Evans pineapple lily
- Polyantha Primrose
- Pony Tail Palm, Bottle Palm, Elephant’s Foot Tree, Ponytail Plant, Nolina Palm, Elephant Palm, Big Base Palm, Desert Pony Tail Palm, Nolina, Nolina Sole, Ponytail Nolina
- Popcorn Hosta
- Poplar Leaved Stonecrop
- Poppy Anemone, Spanish Marigold, Windflower, Crown Windflower.
- Porteri Sulphurflower Buckwheat
- Portuguese squill
- Positano Chinese Silver Grass, Positano Maiden Grass, Positano Eulalia
- Pot Black Eggplant
- Pow Wow Wildberry Coneflower
- Powder Blue Hosta
- Prairie Blazing Star
- Prairie Dock
- Prairie Fire Sedge
- Prairie Moon Peony
- Prairie Onion
- Prairie Sky Hosta
- Prauge Spring Daylily
- Praying Hands Hosta
- Prickly Conostylis, Cotton Heads
- Prickly Pear Cactus, Brazilian Prickly Pear
- Prickly Pear, Devils Tongue, Eastern Prickly Pear
- Pride of Madeira
- Primal Scream Daylily
- Primerose Herson Lamb's Ears
- Primrose
- Primrose
- Prinz Heinrich Japanese Anemone
p ↑ back to top
P ↑ back to top
- Prolific Copper Shield Fern
- Prostrate Skullcap
- Pulcherrimum Bevis Soft-Shield Fern
- Pumilum Balloon Flower, Pumilum Japanese Bell Flower
- Purple Angelica, Korean Angelica
- Purple Bell Vine, Purple Bellerine
- Purple Bergenia
- Purple Dragon Creeping Lamium or Purple Dragon Dead Nettle
- Purple Emeror Buddleia
- Purple Emperor Showy Stonecrop
- Purple Emperor Stonecrop, Purple Emperor Sedum
- Purple Gromwell, Stoneseed, Pearl Plant
- Purple heart
- Purple Joe Pye Weed
- Purple Lance Astilbe
- Purple Leaf Lily
- Purple Loosestrife
- Purple Moor Grass
- Purple New Zealand Burr
- Purple Petticoats Coral Bells
- Purple Prince Barrenwort, Purple Prince Bishop's Hat
- Purple Prince Butterfly Bush
- Purple Rain Lilac Sage
- Purple Rooster Bergamot
- Purple Toadflax, Toadflax
- Purple Velvet Mexican Bush Sage
- Purple Woodsorrel
- Purple-leaved Common Sage
- Purpurle Royal Fern
- Pyramidal Bugle
- Pyrenean Lily
- Pyrenean Squill, Lily Hyacinth
Q ↑ back to top
- Quaking-grass
- Queen Charlotte Japanese Anemone
- Queen Dorothy Iris
- Queen Emma Crinum Lily
- Queen Esta Barrenwort, Queen Esta Bishop's Hat
- Queen Josephine Hosta
- Queen Victoria Agave
- Queen Victoria Cardinal Flower
- Queen Victoria's Dendrobium
- Quesnelia
- Quiabo-da-lapa (Portuguese)
R ↑ back to top
- Radiant Edger Hosta
- Raggedy Ann Copperleaf, Raggedy Ann Jacob’s Coat
- Ragwort
- Ragwort
- Rain Dance Daylily
- Rainforest Mist Hellebore
- Rainforest Sunrise Hosta
- Rakkyo
- Rambling Red Stripe Tomato
- Ramsons, Buckrams, Wild Garlic
- Raspberry Blush Bearded Iris
- Raspberry Ripple Mullein
- Raspberry Wine Bergamot
- Rat-Tail Cactus
- Rattlesnake Master
- Rauhuia
- Red Admiral Poker Plant
- Red Angel's Trumpet
- Red Baron Japanese Blood Grass
- Red Butterfly Orchid Tree
- Red Clover
- Red Cowslip
- Red Crown Imperial
- Red Devon Daffodil
- Red Feathers
- Red Hot Poker
- Red Hot Poker
- Red Jewel Helenium
- Red Lady Lenten Rose
- Red Leafed Mukdenia
- Red Pineapple, Wild Pineapple
- Red Poll Saxifrage
- Red Red Rose Peony
- Red Revival Iris
- Red Riding Hood Gregii Tulip
- Red Sealing Wax Palm, Sealing-Wax Palm, Maharajah Palm, Lipstick Palm
- Red Sister Hawaiian Ti Plant, Red Sister Ti Plant, Red Sister Good-Luck Plant, Red Sister Cordyline.
- Red Star
- Red Star
- Red Switch Grass
- Red Teddy Bear Cholla
- Red Thrill Daylily
- Red Tussock Grass
- Red-Headed Irishman, Spiny Pin Cushion Cactus
- Red-leaved Saxifrag
- Redono Geranium
- Redwood Sorrel
- Reed Canarygrass
- Reed Grass
- Regal Lily
- Regal Ruffles Lungwort
- Regal Splendour Hosta
- Regency Dandy Daylily
- Renard's Cranesbill, Renard Geranium
- Replete Daffodil
- Reptilian Hosta
- Resin Spurge
- Restio, Broom Restio, Dune Restio
- Restios
- Resurrection Fern, Grey Polypody
- Reticulated Iris
- Reveille Japanese Iris
- Revolution Hosta
- Rheinland Astilbe
- Rhubarb
- Rhubarb
- Robust Marsh Orchid
- Rock 'n' Roll Peruvian Lily
- Rock Cress
- Rock Heron's Bill
- Rock Jasmine
- Rock Jasmine
- Rock Jasmine
- Rock Jasmine
- Rocket City Daylily
- Rocketman Russian Sage
- Rockets Red Glare Hosta
- Rocky Mountain Columbine
- Rodgersia
- Rodgersia
- Roma Masterwort
- Romance Neoregelia
- Rosalie Figge Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris
- Roscoe's Lily or Purple Roscoe
- Roscoea
- Rose Barrenwort
- Rose Campion
- Rose Clematis
- Rose Diamond Peony
- Rose Quartz Hellebore
- Rosea English Lavender
- Roseheart Peony
- Rosewort or Kings-crown
- Ross Mukdenia
- Rosularia
- Rosularia
- Rosy Cloud Daffodil
- Rosy Gem Loosestrife
- Rosy Glow Stonecrop
- Rosy Maidenhair Fern, Rough Maidenhair Fern
- Rosy Sunray, Pink Paper-daisy, Pink and White Everlasting
- Rosy-Purple Everlasting, Mangle's Everlasting
- Round-leaved Saxifrag
- Roxanne Geranium
- Roxburgh Fig, Elephant Ear Fig
- Roxburgh's Cassia, Ceylon Senna
- Royal Acres Tulip
- Royal Fern
- Royal Navy Hyacinth
- Royal Purple Fuchsia
- Royal Rendezvous Daylily
- Royal Robe
- Royal Ruby Hen and Chicks
- Rubikon Hens and Chicks or House Leeks
- Ruby Frost Tickseed
- Ruby Sparkles Dianthus
- Ruby Spider Daylily
- Ruby Stella Daylily
- Ruby Throat Daylily
- Ruby Wedding Masterwort
- Ruffled Patty Oriental Poppy
- Rugulosus Daffodil
- Russellianum Rhododendron
- Russian Sage
- Rusty Sedge
S ↑ back to top
- Sable Tall Bearded Iris
- Sagae Hosta
- Sage or Salvia
- Salep Orchid, Dead Mans Fingers, Male Orchis, Early-purple Orchid
- Salien Daylily
- Sally Hellebore
- Salt Grass
- San Francisco River Leatherpetal, Leatherpetals, Leather Petals
- Sanchezia, Tiger Plant
- Sand Cholla
- Sandhill Crane Hosta
- Sangria Crinum Lily
- Sanjuanico
- Sanjuanico pungens
- Sansevieria, Snake Plant, Robust Mother-in-Law's Tongue
- Sante Fe Cholla
- Satin Bird Daylily
- Satisfaction Hosta
- Sauer Klee
- Saunder's Gladiolus
- Saxifrage
- Saxton Barrenwort, Saxton Bishop's Hat
- Scallion, Japanese Bunching Onion
- Scarlet Beebalm
- Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus
- Scat
- Scentless Mayweed, Scentless Chamomile, Wild Chamomile, Mayweed, False Chamomile, German Chamomile, and Baldr's Brow
- Schmidt elephant ear
- Schreck Crinum Lily
- Schumann’s Cuphea, Orange Cuphea
- Schweick, Miniature Saguaro.
- Scorpio Daylily
- Scorpion Weed
- Scouring Rush
- Scouring Rush, Rough Horsetail
- Scrub Pigeon-wing, Sweet-scented Pigeon-wing
- Scurvy Grass
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S ↑ back to top
- Sea Campion
- Sea Heart Siberian Bugloss
- Sea Holly
- Sea kale
- Sea Lavender, German Statice
- Sea Lotus Leaf Hosta
- Sea Pea, Beach Pea
- Sea Spurge or Shore Spurge
- Securinega
- Sedge
- Sedge
- Sedge
- Seducer Hosta
- Sedum Stonecrop
- Semaphore Sedge
- Senita Cactus
- Sensitive plant, Sleepy plant, Action plant, Dormilones, Touch-Me-Not, Shame plant, Zombie plant, Shy plant
- Setchubai Saxifrag
- Severn Sunrise Crocosmia
- Shade Fanfare Hosta
- Shaga, Japanese Crested Iris, Japanese Iris
- Shaggy Masterwort
- Shaggy Windflower, Lady of the Snows
- Sharp Dressed Man Hosta
- Shasta Daisy
- Shasta Daisy
- Shayler's Sunburst Peony
- Sheep's bit
- Sheep-eating Plant, Chilean Puya
- Shenandoah Switch Grass
- Shining Clubmoss
- Shooting Star
- Short-leaved Rosemary
- Shortwood Phlox
- Shot Silk Gentian
- Showy Stonecrop
- Showy Stonecrop, Poplar-Leaved Stonecrop
- Shrubby Milkwort
- Siam Silver Sansevieria, Siam Silver African Bowstring Hemp, Siam Silver Bowstring Hemp, Siam Silver African Hemp 'Siam Silver', Siam Silver Snake Plant
- Siberian Sea Thrift
- Siberian Chives, Blue Chives, Ornamental Onion, Flowering Onion
- Siberian Fritillary
- Siberian Iris
- Siberian Squill
- Siberian Wallflower
- Sicilian Honey Lily
- Siebold Primrose
- Sienna Sunset Thread-leaf Coreopsis
- Silberfeder Chinese Silver Grass, Silberfeder Maiden Grass, Silberfeder Eulalia
- Silene Vellutata Delle Eolie
- Silk Kimono Hosta
- Silken Pincushion
- Siloam™ Stinnett's Delight Daylily
- Silver Cholla, Golden Cholla
- Silver Dollar, Chinese Jade, Tree Crassula, Beestebul, Money Plant, Round-Leaved Crassula
- Silver Dust Dusty Miller, Silver Dust Senicio
- Silver Edge Siberian Iris.
- Silver Heronsbill
- Silver lace Corsican Hellebore
- Silver Plum Bromeliad
- Silver Queen Barrenwort, Silver Queen Bishop's Hat
- Silver Sage
- Silver Scrolls Coral Bells
- Silver Sheen Snake Plant
- Silver Snake Plant, Moonshine Snake Plant, Moonshine Mother-in-Law's Tongue
- Silver Spear Giant Yucca
- Silver Swan Spurge
- Silver Thicket
- Silver-Edged Primrose
- Silvery Crane's Bill
- Simon Bamboo, Medake
- Sir William Lawrence Housleek, Sir William Lawrence Hens and Chicks
- Siskiyou Lewisia or Cliff Maids
- Sissinghurst Vervain
- Sissinghurst White Pipsqueak, Sissinghurst White Bergenia
- Sissinghust White Pulmonaria, Sissinghurst White Lungwort
- Six Hills Giant Catmint
- Skullcap
- Skullcap
- Skylark Peony
- Sleeping Star Hosta
- Slender Crested Male Fern
- Slender Leaved Banksia
- Slipperwort, Slipper Flower, Pocketbook Flower, Pouch Flower
- Small Flowered Anemone
- Small Globe Thistle, Blue Hedgehog, Globe Flower, Steel Globe Thistle
- Small-Flowered Serapias
- Small-Headed Aster
- Smartweed, Knotweed, White Fleeceflower
- Smith Family Yellow Itoh Hybrid Peony
- Smooth Agave, Dwarf Century Plant, Century Plant, Maguey
- Smooth Rock Astilbe
- Snail Saxifrage
- Snake flower, Cat's Tail, Burn Jelly Plant, Stalked Bulbine
- Snake Plant
- Snake Plant
- Snake Plant
- Snake Plant, Mother-in-Law's Tongue
- Snake Plant, Yoat's Horn
- Snake's Head, Fritillary, Checkered Snake Lily
- Snapdragon
- Sneezewort
- Snow Blizzard Daylily
- Snow-in-Summer
- Snowcap Shasta Daisy
- Snowden Hosta
- Snowdrop Windflower
- Snowflake Candytuft
- Snowline Sedge, Snowline Birdfoot Sedge
- Snowstorm Crocus
- So Cool Pale Blue Salvia
- So Cool Purple Salvia
- So Sweet Hosta
- Soapweed
- Soaring Spirits Daylily
- Soccarrell Bord
- Society Garlic
- Soft-Shield Fern
- Softline Hen and Chicks
- Solar Flare Hosta
- Solar Power Foamy Bells
- Soledad Philodendron
- Solitary Candelabrum Agave
- Solomon's Seal, David's Harp, Ladder to Heaven
- Solomon's Seal, Garden Solomon's Seal
- Solomone Yellow Clivia
- Solway Minstrel Sweet Pea
- Somali Hemp, Somali Good Luck Plant
- Somehwere Out There Daylily
- Something Magic Persian Violet, Something Magic Hardy Cyclamen, Something Magic Eastern Sowbread
- Sooke Form Darkthroat Shooting Star
- Sorrel, Garden Sorrel, Sour Dock
- Sound Daffodil
- Southern Cross Aloe
- Southern Grape Hyacinth, Blue Bottle, Starch Hyacinth
- Southern Love Daylily
- Spacious Skies Hosta
- Spaghetti Strap Agave
- Spanish Bluebell, Wood Hyacinth
- Spanish Moss
- Spanish Sage
- Spanish Thrift
- Spartacus Hosta
- Sparviere di Monte Gallo
- Spatheflower, Peace Lily, White Flag, White Sails
- Speedwell
- Spellbinder Trumpet Narcissus or Trumpet Daffodil
- Spider Aloe, Blue Dwarf Aloe, Dwarf Hedgehog Aloe
- Spider Lily
- Spider's Lair Hens and Chicks, Spider's Lair House Leek
- Spiderwort
- Spike Speedwell
- Spinach Souffle Hosta
- Spineless Yucca, Soft-tip Yucca, Blue-stem Yucca, Giant Yucca, Yucca Cane, Itabo
- Spinulose Wood Fern, Narrow Buckler Fern
- Spiny Star
- Spiral Aloe
- Spiral Ginger
- Splendens Poison Bulb, Splendens Giant Crinum.
- Splendid Meadow Rue
- Spoon-Leaved Aeonium
- Spotted Dead Nettle
- Spotted Joe-pye Weed
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S ↑ back to top
- Spreading Rock Cress, Running Rock Cress
- Spring Crocus
- Spring Crocus
- Spring Gentian
- Spring Pea
- Spurge
- Spurge
- Spurge
- Square-Stemmed Pelargonium
- Squid Agave, Candelabrum Agave
- Staghorn Cholla
- Staghorn, Staghorn Fern
- Stained Glass Hosta
- Stained Glass Hosta
- Star Cactus
- Star Sansevieria, Bowstring Hemp, Bow-string Hemp, Pangane Sansevieria, Pangane Hemp
- Star Wars Neoregelia
- Star-of-Bethlehem, Grass Lily
- Starlight Peony
- Starlite Prairieblues Wild Indigo
- Starry Eyes Navelwort
- Starship Enterprise Iris
- Statice à Rameaux Raides
- Stella de Oro Daylily
- Stemless Gentian, Large-Flowered Gentian, Gentianella
- Step Sister Hosta
- Stephan King Hosta
- Sticky Catchfly
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S ↑ back to top
- Stiff Goldenrod
- Stiletto Hosta
- Stinger Dwarf Bearded Iris
- Stinking Hellebore
- Stinking Iris, Stinking Gladwin, Gladwin Iris, Coral Iris
- Stokes' Aster
- Stone Cress
- Stonecrop
- Stonecrop
- Stonecrop
- Stonecrop
- Stonecrop
- Stonecrop
- Stoplight Coral Bells
- Stoplight Heucherella
- Straussenfeder Astilbe
- Straw Tree-Fern, Lacy Tree-Fern, Australian Tree-Fern
- Strawberry Cactus
- Strawberry Everlasting
- Strawberry Saxifrage
- String of Pearls, String of Beads
- String of Pearls, String of Beads, String of Peas
- Striped Begonia
- Striped Bloody Crane's Bill
- Striped Cobra Lily, Chinese Jack-in-the-Pulpit
- Striped Puschkinia
- Striped Victorians Group Primrose
- Striped-Stemmed Aloe
- Striptease Hosta
- Stromanthe
- Strutters Ball Daylily
- Sue Rothbauer Daylily
- Sugar Buzz™ Beebalm
- Sugar Cane
- Sulphur Barrenwort, Sulphur Bicolor Barrenwort, Sulphur Bishop's Hat
- Sulphurflower Buckwheat
- Sum and Substance Hosta, Sum and Substance Plantain Lily
- Summer Breeze Hosta
- Summer Hyacinth or Spire Lily
- Summer Snowflake
- Sun Lover Tulip
- Sun Power Hosta
- Sundance Hosta
- Sunday Crinum Lily
- Sundrops
- Sunny border blue Veronica
- Sunnybrook Hosta
- Sunrise Coneflower
- Sunrita Burgundy Picotee Blanketflower
- Sunrita Scarlet Halo Blanketflower
- Sunset Aloe, Crimson Aloe
- Sunset New Zealand Flax
- Sunset Snappy Blanket Flower
- Sunsparkler Series
- Super Goldenrod
- Superb Trollius
- Superba red bistort
- Superstition Iris
- Supertunia® Bordeaux Petunia
- Supertunia® Vista Bubblegum Petunia
- Supertunia® Vista Fuchsia Imp. Petunia
- Supertunia® Vista Fuchsia Petunia
- Supertunia® Vista Silverberry Petunia
- Surf and Turf Hosta
- Swan River Daisy
- Sweet Kate Spiderwort
- Sweet Pea
- Sweet Prickly Pear, Barbary Fig, Cactus Pear, Indian Fig, Indian Fig Prickly Pear, Mission Cactus, Mission Prickly Pear, Panini, Prickly Pear, Prickly Pear Cactus, Prickly-pear, Smooth Mountain Prickly Pear, Smooth Prickly Pear, Spineless Cactus
- Sweet Reflection Daylily
- Sweet Romance™ lavender
- Sweet Tart Coral Bells
- Sweet Tea Coral Bells
- Sweet Woodruff
- Sweet-Scented Geranium
- Swinging Bells Blue Bellflower
- Switch Grass
- Swordleaf Inula, Horseheal
- Sydney Blue Gum
- Syrian Bear's Breech
T ↑ back to top
- Takudama Hosta
- Talisker Lily
- Tall Bearded Reblooming Iris
- Tall Bellflower
- Tall Boy Hosta
- Tall Daylilly
- Tama No Genpei Barrenwort, Tama No Genpei Bishop's Hat
- Tamar White Daffodil
- Tangle Fern
- Tango Barnhave Primrose
- Tansy, Silver Tansy, Silver-lace Tansy
- Taplow Blue Globe Thistle
- Tardiana Hosta
- Tasman Flax-lily
- Tassel cord rush
- Tassell Hyacinth
- Taylor's Patches, Tailor's Patch, Flowering Crassula, Snowy Crassula, White Crassula
- Teddy-bear Cholla
- Tenerife Aeonium
- Tenryu Hosta
- Tête-À-Tête Daffodil
- Teucridium
- Texas Prickly Pear
- Texas Sotol, Sotol
- Thai Gold Giant Crinum
- Thai Vanilla
- The Pearl Sneezewort
- Thompson Fuchsia
- Thorn Apple, Bitter Apple
- Thornbird Tall Bearded Iris
- Thorncrest Century Plant
- Threadleaf Coreopsis
- Three-flowered Avens, Purple Avens or Prairie Smoke
- Thrift, Sea Pink
- Thunberg
- Thunberg garlic
- Thunder Bolt Hosta
- Tibetan Gentian
- Tickle Me Pink Hosta
- Tiger Tooth Aloe.
- Time Lord Daylily
- Toad Lily
- Toad Lily
- Toetoe
- Tojen Toadlily
- Tokudama Aureonebulosa Hosta
- Tokudama Hosta
- Tomato Plant
- Top Notch Daffodil
- Total Eclipse Daylily
- Totally Tangerine Avens
- Totem Pole Cactus
- Totem Pole Cactus
- Touch of Class Hosta
- Toumey Cane Cholla
- Tower of Jewels
- Trachelospermum, Asiatic Jasmine, Dwarf Confederate Jasmine, Japanese Star Jasmine 'Snow N Summer'
- Trailing lantana
- Trailing snapdragon
- Treasure Plant, Gazania
- Tree Aeonium, Tree Houseleek, or Irish Rose
- Tree Dahlia
- Tree Mallow
- Tree Marigold, Mexican Tournesol, Mexican Sunflower, Japanese Sunflower
- Tree Philodendron, Cut-leaf Philodendron, Lacy Tree Philodendron
- Tree Tumbo, Onion of the Desert (Onyanga) or Welwitschia
- Tri-Star Strawberry
- Triangleleaf Bursage
- Tricolor Common Sage
- Tricolor Mountain Flax
- Triostar Stromanthe, Tricolor Ginger
- Tropical Sunset Daffodil
- True to Whim Daylily
- Tubergen's Gem Lady Tulip
- Tuberous Hawkbit
- Tudor Minstral Daffodil
- Tufted Evening Primrose
- Tufted Saxifrage
- Tukker Princess Yellow Meadow Rue
- Tulip
- Tumbling Tiger Tomato
- Turkish Rhubarb
- Turkish Sage
- Tussock Bellflower
- Tutu Hellebore
- Twilight Hosta
- Twilite Prairieblues False Indigo
- Twin Leaf
- Two Coloured Fumitory
- Two-coloured Pineapple Lily
- Two-Edged Laelia
- Two-row Stonecrop
- Two-tone Grape Hyacinth
U ↑ back to top
- UFO Hosta
- Umbrella Grass
- Uncle Tom Double Late Tulip
- Undine Chinese Silver Grass, Undine Maiden Grass, Undine Eulalia
- Upright Wild Ginger
- Ursula's Red Japanese Painted Fern
V ↑ back to top
- Valencia Orange
- Valentine Old-Fashioned Bleeding Heart
- Valerian, Red Valerian
- Van Der Neer Single Early Tulip
- Van Sion Daffodil
- Vanilla Sticks Hosta
- Variegata Cast-iron Plant, Variegated Bar-Room Plant
- Variegata Rockcress
- Variegated Siberian Bugloss
- Variegated Blue Daisy, Variegated Kingfisher Daisy, Variegated Blue Marguerite
- Variegated Chinese Silver Grass, Variegated Maiden Grass, Variegated Eulalia
- Variegated Comfrey
- Variegated cottage pinks
- Variegated Cranesbill, Variegated Bigfoot Geranium
- Variegated Crinum, Variegated Grand Crinum Lily, Variegated Giant Spider Lily, Striped Bengal Lily, Asiatic Poison Bulb
- Variegated Fairy Bells
- Variegated Flax Lily, White Striped Tasmania Flax Lily
- Variegated Giant Reed
- Variegated Greater Periwinkle
- Variegated Iris
- Variegated Jade Plant
- Variegated Japanese Sedge
- Variegated Japanese Butterburr
- Variegated Japanese Spurge
- Variegated Joseph's Coat, Variegated Eltham Indian Fig, Variegated Pak'an, Variegated Sweet Prickly Pear
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V ↑ back to top
- Variegated Lily Turf
- Variegated Princess Lily, Variegated Peruvian Lily
- Variegated Purple Moor-Grass
- Variegated Shell Ginger
- Variegated Spiral Ginger, Variegated Costus.
- Variegated Statice
- Variegated Weber Agave, Arizona Star Agave
- Variegatum Solomon's Seal
- Veitch's Blue Globe Thistle
- Ventricosa Hosta
- Venus Sweet Shrub
- Vera Jameson Showy Stonecrop
- Vera Maud Primrose
- Veronica Klose Astilbe
- Vertical Leaf Plant
- Vestal Wood Anemone, Vestal Windflower, Vestal Thimbleweed
- Vice Regal Tall Bearded Iris
- Victoria Daffodil
- Victoria Water Lily
- Victorian Brooch Lungwort
- Victorian Secret Shasta Daisy
- Victory Hosta
- Vietnamese Coriander
- Viola di Ucria
- Violet Queen Colchicum
- Violet Teacup Flower
- Violets
- Virginia Bluebells
- Virginia Waterleaf
- Vision in Red Astilbe
- Vision in Red Chinese Astilbe
- Visions astilbe
- Voctoria Lady's Fern.
- Volcano Island Hosta
- Vorobiev Ligularia
- Vriesea
- Vriesea Bromeliad
- Vriesea Bromeliad
- Vriesea, Flaming Sword
- Vriesea, Flaming Sword
- Vulcan Hosta
W ↑ back to top
- Wada saxifrage
- Waight Hybrid Stonecrop
- Wake-Robin, Red or Purple Trillium
- Waldsteinia
- Walhelivor Hellebore
- Walkabout Sunset Loosestrife, Walkabout Sunset Creeping Jenny
- Walkers Low Catmint
- Wallflower
- Wallflower
- Wallflower Bowles' Mauve
- Wanda Primrose
- Wandering Jew or Purple Queen
- Wapato
- Warwick Curtsey Hosta
- Watchyl™ Dancing Spider Daylily
- Water Mimosa, Neptunia, Sensitive Neptunia, Garden Puff, Sensitive Water Plant
- Water-Lily Tulips, Kaufmannian Tulips
- Watermelon Vine
- Wavy-Leaf Mullein
- Wax Plant
- Weeping Broom
- Weeping Brown Sedge
- Weigela
- Welsh Poppy
- West Indian Holly
- Wester Flisk Stinking Hellebore
- Western Blue Flag, Rocky Mountain Iris
- Western Sword Fern, Sword Fern, Giant Holly Fern
- Whirlwind Hosta
- Whisker Cactus
- White African or White Nile Lily
- White Bleeding Heart
- White Boar Geranium
- White Campion
- White Campion
- White Christmas Hosta
- White Clips Bellflower
- White Clover
- White Crane Flower, White Bird of Paradise, Giant Crane Flower, Giant Bird of Paradise
- White Dead Nettle
- White Double Flowering Virgin's bower or Clematis
- White Dryas, Mountain Avens
- White Elephant Hosta
- White King's Spear
- White Lady Lenten Rose
- White Lady Narcissus
- White Lion Narcissus
- White Montana
- White Mugwort
- White Mugwort
- White Periwinkle
- White Shooting Star
- White Spike Gayfeather, Dense Blazing Stars, Floristan White Blazing Stars
- White Spotted Lady Lenten Rose
- White Striped Giant Snake Plant
- White Trumpet Pitcher Plant
- White-flowered Snake's Head Fritillary
- White-painted Hosta
- Whitehill Silver Saxifrage or Whitehill Encrusted Saxifrage
- Whitewater Bear's Breeches
- Whitney Snake Plant
- Whoops-a-Daisy Shasta Daisy
- Widnet il-Ba'ar, Fiordaliso Crassifoglio, Maltese Rock-centaury, Maltese Centuary
- Widow Flower
- Wild Bergamot
- Wild Daffodil, Easter Lily
- Wild Ginger
- Wild Indigo
- Wild Petunia, Ciliate Wild Petunia, Low Ruellia, Hairy Ruellia, Fringeleaf Wild Petunia, Low Wild Petunia
- Wild Strawberries or Woodland Strawberries
- Wild Wookie Daylily
- Willow Gentian, Milkweed Gentian
- Willow-Leaved Foxglove
- Willow-leaved Sunflower
- Willowleaf Oxeye
- Windflower
- Windflower
- Windflower
- Wine African Daisy
- Wine Eyed Jill Dahlia
- Winter Aconite, Wolf's Bane
- Winter Begonia
- Winter Dreams Lenten Rose, Cassis Red Lenten Rose
- Winter Snow Hosta
- Winter White Italian Arum
- Winterbourn Philodendron, Xanadu Philodendron
- Wisley Daffodil
- WJ Painted Hybrid Lenten Rose
- Wood Anemone, Windflower or Thimbleweed
- Wood Betony
- Wood Cranesbill
- Wood Forget-Me-Not
- Wood Lily
- Wood Spurge
- Wood Violet, Sweet Violet, English Violet, Common Violet, or Garden Violet
- Woodland Sage
- Woodland Tulip
- Woodside Strain Columbine
- Woolly Mammoth Hosta
- Woolly Rock Jasmine
- Woolly Torch
- World Cup Hosta
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- Wormwood or Silver Mound
- Wu Bing Ye Ban Ji Ji, 无柄叶半脊荠 (China)
- Wushan Fairy Wings
- Wyevale Clematis
- Wyndley Sneezeweed
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Y ↑ back to top
- Yaku Jima Eulalia
- Yarrow
- Yellow Adder's Tongue
- Yellow Anemone
- Yellow Archangel
- Yellow Archangel
- Yellow Bishop's Hat, Yellow Barrenwort
- Yellow Bush Daisy
- Yellow Bush, Golden Natal Lily
- Yellow Corydalis
- Yellow Flowered Garlic
- Yellow Foxglove
- Yellow Gentian
- Yellow Grape Hyacinth
- Yellow Grape Hyacinth
- Yellow Hornpoppy
- Yellow Iris, Yellow Flag
- Yellow Lady Hellebore
- Yellow Lady's Slipper Orchid
- Yellow Man Crocus
- Yellow Meadow-Rue
- Yellow Monkey Flower
- Yellow Ophrys, Yellow Bee Orchid
- Yellow Princess Barrenwort, Yellow Princess Bishop's Hat
- Yellow River Hosta
- Yellow Wakerobin, Yellow Wood Trillium, Wood Lily
- Yellow Wave Flax Lily or Phormium
- Yellow Wax Bells
- Yellowhammer Poker Plant
- Yellowstone Falls Foamy Bells
- Ylang Ylang Vine, Climbing Lang-Lang, Tail Grape, Ilang-Ilang
- Yokihi Bishop's Hat, Yokihi Barrenwort